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Operation Psalm 91 – A 911 Call For Campus Prayer on 11/11/23

In light of the fact that many intercessory groups have been concerned about possible terrorist attacks, and in light of the recent Pro-Hamas, and antisemitic protests on university campuses, we would like to invite you to participate in a season of prayer for our schools. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

We know that prayer and worship are the keys to stopping any 911-style, Israel/Hamas-style attacks. For years, it seems we Believers have been reactive, praying crisis prayers, rather than watching on the wall to see what is coming. We feel it’s time to turn that around, seeking God for direction in prayer to stop any plans of attack.

We also feel Satan would love to cause major trauma and disruptions on our campuses to stop the revival and awakenings that we are beginning to see on many school campuses. Again, we know that we can be guardians of our schools in intercessory prayer and praise to not allow such events to occur.

For these reasons, we are calling for students, campus ministries, churches, and people of prayer to 21 days of prayer. We will begin with an initial day of prayer and fasting on 11/11/23, and continue through December 1st, 2023, to cry out to God for our schools.

Suggested prayer activities:

1. Fast as the Lord leads you. This can either be a partial or total fast or an Esther Fast. For information on how to fast, we suggest Lou Engle’s book, The Jesus Fast. (Isaiah 58:5)

2. Mobilize! If you are already a prayer leader on a campus, ask God the various ways you can put the call to prayer and worship out to your network.

3. Arrange a meeting time on the morning of 11/11. Begin now to get permits if needed.

4. Bring worshippers! Worship is a major weapon of spiritual warfare.

5. Ask the Holy Spirit where you should go on the campus. We suggest that you prayer walk around the perimeter of your school. There might be key places on the campus where the Lord also directs your group to go and pray. It might be the Student Union, buildings where certain subjects are taught, or student dormitories for example.

6. Plan both overt and covert prayers. God might show you to pray at a sensitive spot where you need to be more covert. At other places on campus, you might be able to be overt, boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus through worship and prayer declarations.

7. Continue to mobilize prayer and worship for 21 days through December 1st. Think of soaking your campus in God’s glory through that entire 21-day period.

8. Before you go out, take some time in intercessory prayer to ask God to search your heart and show you any unforgiveness, broken relationships, or sin. Ask God to create in you a clean heart. You might need to forgive the Hamas terrorists who attacked Israel. (Matthew 6:12-14)

9. When you go out to prayer walk around or across your campus, have a small team in another place covering you in intercessory prayer for your protection.

10. Ask people to pray for you after your prayerwalks and times of prayer. Rearguard intercessory prayer is important as you are displacing darkness. The enemy will not be happy about that.

Prayer Guide

1. Pray Psalm 91 out loud together. Ask God to protect you and your families as you start your prayer event.

2. Humble yourself before God. If possible, kneel down together as an act of humility and total dependence upon God to direct your time of prayer and worship. (I Peter 5:6-7)

3. Worship specifically. Sing songs that directly speak to your assignment of intercessory prayer. (2 Chronicles 20;21-22)

4. Repent for any antisemitism on the campus.

5. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6)

6. Ask God to root out terrorism in whatever form and whatever nation it exists. 

7. Ask God to reveal any secret sleeper cells on your campus and city.

8. Believe God that He will show the intelligence agencies and school officials any clubs and/or students who have been radicalized.

9. Pray that God will uncover any outside influences on the campuses that are radicalizing students.

10. Intercession ripens the harvest. Fervently pray for those who are under the influence of deception that they might receive Jesus as Savior. As well, ask God to shine His light upon the Jews so they will see who Jesus really is as their Messiah.

We thank you in advance for your prayer leadership in this crucial hour!


Dr. Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Dr. Jason Hubbard
International Prayer Connect

Jonathan and Sharon Ngai
Founders and Directors
Radiance International/Movement 133

Brian Allred
Everyone Prayer

Other connected Campus Prayer Leaders


Dr. Cindy Jacobs

President and Co-founder

Generals International