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Author name: Cindy Jacobs

Word of Encouragement

Practicing the Prophetic (Part 2)

In part one of this article, we considered that the gift of prophecy is something that has to be cultivated deliberately and intentionally if we want to see it at work in our lives. This gift is not something reserved for an elite or super-spiritual few; it is available to every believer who will pay attention to the nudges of the Holy Spirit around them.

God Knows

God’s Restorative Healing

Prophet Stacey Campbell ( shares a story of God’s miraculous healing in her life. Her son, Judah, was rendered a quadriplegic, but through the fervent prayer of others and Stacey’s standing on Daniel 7:22, God restored him to full health. Hear her remarkable story and the testimonies of others she knows who have experienced this restorative healing from the Lord. (#358)


Attack on Journalism & Freedom of Speech

Editor’s Note: Jon & Jolene Hamill are the founders of Lamplighter Ministries and trusted generals with the Reformation Prayer Network. Visit their website for regular prophetic insight for the nation.

On January 7, twelve people—including eight journalists—were left dead as Islamist assassins stormed the newsroom of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine in Paris, because of previously published cartoon depictions of Muhammad. According to French President Francois Hollande, other attacks had been thwarted just within the past few days; two days later, another attack took place when an Islamist gunman killed four Jewish men and took hostages.

Word of Encouragement

A Season of Grace

Through the prophetic, it’s being revealed that 2015 will be a season of grace. Grace is commonly associated with the number five, and five appears in the numbers for both the Gregorian (2015) and the Jewish (5775) new years.

Trip Report

Brazil: The Land of Revival

In mid-December, Mike and I traveled to several cities in Brazil on a trip arranged by a young apostolic leader named Fernando Guilian. While we normally do not travel much at this time of year, we felt a tug from the Holy Spirit to invest in this land of revival.

Word of Encouragement

Hearing in the Stillness

Many years ago, the Lord took me on an unusual spiritual journey into stillness. My normal habit was to get up early in the morning for a time of devotion and prayer. I couldn’t really call this time with the Lord a “quiet time” because my spirit was anything but quiet as I poured out my problems and the problems of people I knew before the throne of God. I had learned a couple of methods of praying and diligently followed one or the other every day. When I finished the prescribed outline, I said “amen” and went on with my day.

Word of the Lord

Word of the Lord for 2015

This is the year when God will give His people the chance to recalibrate in the midst of what will seem to be a whirlwind year. To recalibrate means to correct in mid-course, modify, amend, change, metamorphose, renovate, transform, or turn.