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Author name: Cindy Jacobs

RPN, Spiritual Warfare

Shields Up Over Our Cities

For the past five years, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) has repeatedly brought up the number of dreams and visions they have received concerning the cities of America on fire with riots. As far as we could trace, some were as far back as 1983 when Elizabeth Alves had gone away for a season of fasting and prayer. During this time she had a very disturbing vision with similarities to the current situation in Ferguson, Missouri that erupted following the grand jury’s decision after a young African-American was shot by a white policeman.

Word of Encouragement

A Vision of the Temple Mount: Spiritual Activity Behind the Scenes

n October 21, 2014, during our worship in Succat Hallel, I saw a vision of a huge black dragon that was circling in a menacing manner above the Temple Mount here in Jerusalem.  Each time it breathed fire from its mouth, violence was released on the Temple Mount. But I knew this time it was planning something really much larger. Suddenly I saw in the heavens two words: “NOT NOW.” Then a huge foot descended from heavens and pinned the dragon to the ground.

Word of Encouragement

Becoming Mature Sons of God

Central to our identity in Christ is that we are children of God. First, we are born again unto salvation through which we enter into eternal life (see John 1:12, 13; 3:16; 1 John 3:1). And second, we grow by the spirit of adoption through which we become mature sons and daughters of God (see Rom. 8:14-19; Gal. 4:5-7). The Greek word used in John 1:12 and 1 John 3:1 is teknon, and refers to a child or newly born believer. In contrast, the Greek work huios used in the passages in Romans 8:14-19 and Galatians 4:7 denotes a mature, adult son who is an heir to his father’s name and authority, his possessions and his responsibilities.


Prayer Alert for Ferguson, MO

The City of St. Louis and the nation await the release of the judgment of the Grand Jury regarding Officer Darren Wilson and the shooting of Michael Brown on August 9. There is much speculation and opinion as to when the verdict will be announced, but that information is well guarded, available only on a need-to-know basis.

Word of Encouragement

Freedom to Be Who You Are: The Gift of Knowing Your Identity

At a trying time in my life, when I was breaking free from the bondage of “brotherly” oppression and a religious spirit, the Lord gave me this verse: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). I grew to understand that the freedom to be who God created me to be was an integral part of my identity in Him.

Word of Encouragement

Understanding Identity & Calling

Everyone wants to know their purpose in life; they want to understand what they were put on this earth to do. If you have been around church for any length of time, you have most likely been told that God has a plan for your life—also popularly referred to as “finding your calling.”

Word of Encouragement

God’s Masterpiece

Sometimes there is quite a disconnect between the way God sees us and the way we see ourselves. As the popular saying goes, we are our own worst critics. Unfortunately, in this broken world, our negative perspective ends up reinforced by the hurtful words and actions from others we encounter.

Trip Report

Cindy’s Trip Report to Wales and Ireland

I recently returned from the United Kingdom after an amazing ministry trip arranged by Rose Sambrook, a powerful and vibrant leader who pastors with her husband, Kevin, in Northern Ireland. She sacrificed greatly to put this journey together, and I am thankful to both of them.

Word of Encouragement

Identity: The Key to Destiny’s Door

A person’s life is like a large house, full of stories and experiences. There are various levels and rooms reserved for certain seasons of life, each one unique in style, complex in design and purpose. Within each house are many doors that open and close throughout the course of its existence. Some are easier to open than others. Some require a little prying. Some are best left closed forever. Others, however, require a key.