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Author name: Cindy Jacobs

Word of Encouragement

Fitting in Church

Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in church? Like you’re the only one there not tapping into some amazing experience with God? Like you’d feel judged and ostracized if you showed people who you really are? In this video, Cindy and her son Daniel talk about feeling like an imposter.


Societal Reformation and Transformation

This verse has often been called The Great Commission, and many believers try to follow it with all their hearts. Many times we have interpreted this passage as commanding us to make disciples of individuals. While we need to do that, the gist of these scriptures is to make disciples of nations (Greek: ethne) – literally make disciples of people groups in their entirety.


The Church Can Turn America

During presidential election cycles, many Americans, regardless of political party affiliation, bemoan the two choices that appear on their ballots. Conversations about the national political landscape often include statements like, “Are these the best candidates America can produce?” Exhibit A is the 2012 presidential election when we saw marginal enthusiasm among the Christian community for either candidate based on policy positions.

Word of Encouragement

The Company of Believers

Many Christian families are struggling to make ends meet. How was it that there wasn’t any destitute or needy person in the church after Pentecost? On a corporate level, with the upcoming harvest of souls and the great need for missionaries, it is critical to find some answers. There are many leaders with an incredible breadth of vision for the nations, but there just never seems to be enough money to go around.


A Match Made in Hell

I have been working with human trafficking survivors for about four years, and in that time I have seen a pattern form – a very dark and disturbing pattern. Young girls and boys were being sexually abused, trafficked, tortured and killed by occultists to obtain wealth and power.