Generals International

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Pray 100 - Day 11

January 27 – Time to Build and Plant

"See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, To pluck up and to break down, To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant."
(Jeremiah 1:10; NASB)

There is an uprooting happening in the United States of America. It is spiritually important that ungodly roots that are plucked out are replaced with godly ones, quickly. When unrighteous strongholds are destroyed, the enemy will try to fill the void with plans that are even more ungodly. The first thing needed is clean up D.C. corruption and cronyism. President Trump has strong feelings on this and firm plans to put in place. The Church and the government need to start now to come up with viable options to abortion, should Planned Parenthood be defunded, such as increasing adoption and childcare strategies. Our inner cities need revitalized and we need programs to break generational poverty. President Trump has proposed the “Restoring Community Safety Act” to assist local law enforcement with additional training and resources to curtail recent trends of violence.  The planting of righteous laws and actions are on the near horizon.

Points for Prayer:

Worship the Lord, for He has given this nation a chance to right itself.

Pray for President Trump, his Cabinet, their departments and our legislators to work together to tear down and uproot, but also for wise, workable plans to replace the programs they are removing!

Ask God to grant wisdom for the replacing of abortion. We believe this must be a combined effort between the government and the Church community. Life is a spiritual matter first and foremost and must consider the wholeness of families, as well as the lives of mothers and children. Medical care, financial support, support of the family and childcare are all components to be considered and planned for.

Intercede for the poverty in this nation and particularly that which is systemic and generational in our larger cities. Pray that President Trump’s business knowledge will be a key to developing means to increase substantial job growth and preparing workers for those jobs. Ask God for those inner city revitalization programs to spring forth!

Pray that God gives the Trump Administration workable strategies to provide for the safety of our cities. Law enforcement must be given training and support that can deal with crowd violence and anti-terrorism, while protecting the innocent.

Cry out for unity in this nation as these newly planted seeds begin to spring forth. Pray that citizens and the media would quickly realize the effect of these changes and that peace would begin to settle over the nation, as a result.


By, Timmerle Kelly with Cindy Jacobs

Generals International

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