Generals International

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Pray 100 - Day 4

January 20, 2017 - Inauguration Day

“He changes times and periods of history. He removes kings and establishes them. He gives wisdom to those who are wise and knowledge to those who have insight.”
(Daniel 2:21; GWT)

Today, Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America. He will come into the presidency at a time of great division and moral conflict in this nation, and true danger in the nations of the earth. Many greet him with hope, some with trepidation and others with outright anger. “America, America, God shed His grace on Thee.”1 May President Donald J. Trump find favor in God’s eyes and govern with humility, wisdom and knowledge. May this beautiful and diverse land become more unified, safe, and prosperous. May the Church flourish in renewed religious freedom, so that this nation glorifies the Lord!

Points for Prayer:

  • Intercede for President Donald J. Trump as he is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America. Pray also for Mike Pence, being inaugurated as Vice-President. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them more every day and grant them everything they need to lead this nation forward.

  • Pray that the Lord would anoint Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence with a governmental anointing that can only come from Him—an anointing of supernatural favor, wisdom and knowledge.

  • Ask the Lord to guard our new President and Vice-President and their families, keeping them safe from all harm, both today and every day.

  • Pray for safety and protection over Washington, D. C., and the Inauguration site on the west lawn of the U. S. Capital building. Specifically pray against terrorism of any kind.

  • Pray that the leaders of many nations of the earth will open their hearts to this bold leader and choose to work with him for the advancement of each nation.

  • Thank the Lord for the window of religious freedom the Church will have. Get ready to share the Gospel and advance His Kingdom quickly in your realms of influence.


By, Timmerle Kelly with Cindy Jacobs - Generals International

1 Katherine Lee Bates, “America the Beautiful,” as amended in 1904.

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