As I have been listening to numbers of prophecies coming forth about an economic crash and even a future pandemic killing many, I have been praying for a word from the Lord.
This briefing will give you tips on what to do and how to pray about what God might he saying.
Prayer Guide
The United States is 35 trillion in debt. Every 100 days, according to a top economist, it increases by a trillion dollars. How do we pray: 1. Ask God for mercy. In the midst of many of our actions displeasing God, we need it. (Hab. 3:2) 2. Pray for wisdom to get the debt under control. No party has seemed to have the political will to severely cut costs. 3. Pray that God will give us His reset for the economy instead of a complete crash and another Great Depression. If that happens, the whole world will suffer. 4. Pray that the U.S. will not turn away from our alignment with Israel. 5. Pray that the Feds will lower the interest rate to give hope to the people. 6. Pray for a massive spiritual awakening and revival. The following items were sent to us by a leading economist: There are major disruptions developing in the world’s economic system. Sovereign government debt, inflation, on-going government deficit spending, rising interest rates, and geopolitical conflict will cause a reset. I am afraid it is unavoidable. Depending upon choices that government leaders make, the resulting turbulence may be from “just difficult” to “unprecedented”.
The one important prayer point is that Christians will not panic. We should establish networks to provide support for one another and others who need our help.
Our example is the fourth century Christians at the fall of the Roman Empire. They offered help and safe harbor for anyone who was in desperate need. They reflected the love of Christ without condition. The church grew as others wanted what the Body of Christ represented.
Pray that today’s Church will stand in confidence with the Lord and take the opportunity the Lord is providing in the coming times. For nation states, pray:
Saudi Arabia will not sell oil to China denominated in Yuans.
Iran will not attack Israel.
Putin will agree to stand down in Ukraine and to negotiate a settlement.
India and Brazil will not join with China and Russia in a new world economic order.
China will not invade Taiwan.
The United States will balance its Federal budget and reign in deficit spending.
Congress and the President will agree to raise the debt ceiling before more public fear materializes in reference to the banking system’s stability.
In addition, another leading economist is working with 28 states to establish their going on a silver/gold standard.
Standing in the gap for the nation! Cindy Jacobs