Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!

Break The Old Cycles

Hello! I want to share something with you that I think is going to really help us. In this season, coming out of the pandemic, there has been a lot of fragmentation in society. And the Lord would say to you, “Be aware of where the enemy has tried to cause fragmentation,” meaning hurt or trauma. There are things that Satan has sent your way to impede your success, to impede your future, to impede you from going ahead in life. But, the Lord would say, “Go back and deal with the trauma and let Me show you where Satan has come in. Don’t let relationships fragment because you let them.” Satan comes in to hurt families, to hurt people who have been in covenant, and people who have loved each other. That spirit that has been on society is trying to come into families, churches, and even into us as individuals. And the Lord says, “Even now, know this: I am coming with my precious Holy Spirit to put you back together.” I’ll say that for me too!

The Holy Spirit is coming to say, “Look, you got wounded here. Circumstances hurt you here. But don’t let it victimize you.” The Lord would say, “You are not a victim.” We are not victims. We are overcomers!And the Lord says, “Yes, those things happen. Sometimes, they repeatedly happen. But I’m going to break those old cycles. I’m going to break those old cycles that brought you back to poverty, that brought you back to sickness, that brought you back to discomfort, that took you into a place where you began to have anxiety and panic attacks.” And the Lord says, “I’m going to break you out of those cycles where the enemy has come in. But be aware,” says the Lord, “that I am trying to heal you and that I have capacity for you to be healed.”

So Father, I pray in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, show us where we have been wounded. Show us where we’re reacting rather than responding. Lord, I thank you for this. I thank you that we are going to be the healed and our souls are going to be healed. Psalm 23 is for this year. The Lord says, “He restores my soul.” He’s going to restore us mentally. He’s going to restore us emotionally. He’s going to restore us physically. And you know what? Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives and we’ll dwell in the house of the Lord forever. What a wonderful promise.

God bless you. I love you. And you know what? I want to say something to you. You’re going to be okay! I want to say something to us. We are going to be okay! God bless you. Love you so much.