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Above All, Get Wisdom

One morning, a few months ago, I was talking to God about an important decision my husband and I needed to make. There didn’t seem to be a clear path, even as we weighed our options and continued to pray about it. I was getting frustrated and feeling suffocated by the pressure to make the “right” choice.


Shields Up: A Call to Prayer for Our Schools

This morning, as I prayed for America, I felt a strong calling from the Lord to issue an urgent prayer alert. Initially, it came to me as I was praying for the city of Roseburg, Oregon, and the relatives of the victims shot on October 1, 2015. There is a level of evil that has been loosed in the nation on a scale we have not previously experienced since the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999.

Prayer, RPN

Is Prayer Making a Difference in the Financial Markets?

On May 12, 2015, Cindy wrote a trip report letting you know what led up to last April’s prayer journey and shared briefly what the prophets and intercessors were saying regarding the U. S. economy shaking this coming fall. She shared that the foundation for the trip actually began in January 2008, when she heard the Lord say there was about to be a severe shaking of the economy and it had the potential to be as bad or worse than the Great Depression!

Prayer, RPN

Unraveling Terrorism Through Intercession

Last Thursday, a gunman fired dozens of rounds into two military centers in Chattanooga, TN, killing four marines and wounding three others, one who later died from his injuries. The shooter, 24 year-old Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, also died in the attack.


A Call to Prayer for the World’s Economies

As one considers the global economic stage, it seems as if there could be a worldwide crisis at any moment. China could destabilize, the Eurozone could shake with the looming crisis in Greece, and there’s a possibility of Spain or Ireland following suit.


Shields Up for DC: Prophetic Warnings & Prayer

Editor’s Note: The following are some excerpts from a prophetic alert sent out by our friends and fellow Generals, Jon & Jolene Hamill with Lamplighter Ministries.

I just received a call from Anne Tate, prayer leader for Chuck Pierce, who relayed to me a disconcerting warning. A prophetic intercessor was warned in a dream of a severe attack from ISIS, possibly targeting the Memorial Day Parade in Washington DC.

Prayer, RPN

Warning Dream

Today I want to share with you an urgent prayer request from my friend Melissa Haskins. US Naval warships have been sent to block Iranian weapons shipments, and she is sensing a strong warning to pray.

I’ve known Melissa to be accurate prophetically over many years on national issues. A year ago, she had a warning dream. Though the dream was centered in Washington DC, it seems very relevant to the current potential of a Naval conflict with Iran.


What Makes Prayer Effective?

In James 5:16, at the end of the verse, there is a statement made that we talk about quite a bit when it comes to prayer: The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

If you look at these words in the Greek, you will find that effective means “to be active or to be efficient,” and fervent has implications of heat or zeal. So you could say that an active, efficient, hot, zealous prayer avails much, or accomplishes much in the Spirit.