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Prayer, Word of Encouragement

Teaching Our Children to Pray

As a mother to two little treasures, one of the greatest desires of my heart is to see them develop their own relationships with God. Sometimes I joke that I wish I could just tell them, “You will love Jesus, and you will like it!” Well, we all know that’s not how it works.


Elements of Intercession

Intercessory prayer is a practice we learn and develop as we grow and mature spiritually. It also requires a willingness to enter into prayer whenever the Lord lays it on our hearts, even if it sometimes means long periods behind closed doors.


Your Authority for Intercession

One of the most profound New Testament scriptures is found in 1 Peter: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, emphasis added).


Intercession: Looking Beyond Ourselves

Editor’s Note: As a starting place for understanding intercession, please see the article “Becoming an Intercessor.”

Several years ago, the Lord challenged me to step up my level of intercession. He used, of all things, an ongoing issue I had with chronic, debilitating migraines that would often force me to cancel plans and miss highly anticipated or significant events.


Becoming an Intercessor

Most believers are very much familiar with the term “intercession.” But recently I’ve been asking the Lord, “What is the true meaning of intercession? What does it mean to be an intercessor?”


Praying in the Holy Spirit

Praying in the Holy Spirit is the ability given to believers that allows them to pray in a supernatural language. It is also sometimes referred to as praying in tongues, praying in unknown tongues, or praying with your spirit language.


Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” – Luke 11:1 (NKJV)

This request from one of the disciples leads us into the familiar passage known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” The beautiful words of this powerful prayer touch our hearts over and over again because they express the heart of God.

Prayer, RPN

A Prophetic Purim

Both Washington D.C. and the media have been abuzz since the announcement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the nation. Mr. Netanyahu’s trip to the United States has created a whirlwind of controversy on Capitol Hill as House Speaker John Boehner invited the Israeli Prime Minister without involving President Obama—who has stated he will not meet with Netanyahu due to Israel’s upcoming elections.


Why Prayer Matters

God loves to talk with us!

My husband, Mike, and I have two children. Perhaps some of you have children as well. Even though my children are grown, I love to talk with them. Throughout the day or between times when we can connect, I think about what I am going to say to them. I also love to talk with my four grandchildren. I rehearse over and over in my mind what I am going to share either in person or on the phone.