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Confirming Neil Gorsuch

The battle over the next Supreme Court Justice has only begun with threats to delay the process and attempts to stop it already underway. Republican leadership hope to finalize the confirmation by Friday, April 7th.


Swamp Wars

As I was praying for the nation today, I had a vision of a swamp being drained. However, as it was emptying, there were a number of “swamp creatures” that became visible. There were alligators and poisonous snakes, among others.


Confirmation Hearings

The confirmation hearings for Neil Gorsuch, nominee for Supreme Court Justice, began this morning. Neil Gorsuch is a well-qualified judge who has an impeccable character, judicially and personally. Just as President Trump promised, he would be a Justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia.


Pray 100 – Day 11

There is an uprooting happening in the United States of America. It is spiritually important that ungodly roots that are plucked out are replaced with godly ones, quickly. When unrighteous strongholds are destroyed, the enemy will try to fill the void with plans that are even more ungodly.


Pray 100 – Day 10

The United States’ economy continues to be one of the strongest in the world. However, it was shaken hard in 2007-2008 and it has not fully recovered yet—10 years later. Government statistics have been adjusted to make it appear that we have fully recovered and that the jobless rate is low, but that is not quite the truth.


Pray 100 – Day 9

Every Administration makes decisions for the American public that affect our every day lives. Some end up to be very beneficial and long-lasting. Others, are quickly found to have been mistakes, and the next Administration quickly rolls them back. At times, technology and new ideology help us see that modifications to familiar legislation are in order. Such is the case in 2017.


Pray 100 – Day 8

Inauguration Day was the first day Cabinet members could be officially confirmed by the U. S. Senate. You can see a list of individuals both nominated by President Trump and those confirmed by the Senate here. Many of the hearings for confirmation took place just before the President was inaugurated.


Pray 100 – Day 7

A majority of his own party in the House of Representatives and in the Senate is a gift every incoming President hopes for. This majority can potentially make it easier for a President’s reasonable agenda items to become a reality relatively quickly. Of course there will be fights, but hopefully not within his own party. Disagreements with the other party are often easier to overcome, if there is unity between the majority party’s members and the President.