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Prayer, RPN

Warning Dream

Today I want to share with you an urgent prayer request from my friend Melissa Haskins. US Naval warships have been sent to block Iranian weapons shipments, and she is sensing a strong warning to pray.

I’ve known Melissa to be accurate prophetically over many years on national issues. A year ago, she had a warning dream. Though the dream was centered in Washington DC, it seems very relevant to the current potential of a Naval conflict with Iran.

Prayer, RPN

A Prophetic Purim

Both Washington D.C. and the media have been abuzz since the announcement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the nation. Mr. Netanyahu’s trip to the United States has created a whirlwind of controversy on Capitol Hill as House Speaker John Boehner invited the Israeli Prime Minister without involving President Obama—who has stated he will not meet with Netanyahu due to Israel’s upcoming elections.


Attack on Journalism & Freedom of Speech

Editor’s Note: Jon & Jolene Hamill are the founders of Lamplighter Ministries and trusted generals with the Reformation Prayer Network. Visit their website for regular prophetic insight for the nation.

On January 7, twelve people—including eight journalists—were left dead as Islamist assassins stormed the newsroom of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine in Paris, because of previously published cartoon depictions of Muhammad. According to French President Francois Hollande, other attacks had been thwarted just within the past few days; two days later, another attack took place when an Islamist gunman killed four Jewish men and took hostages.

RPN, Spiritual Warfare

Shields Up Over Our Cities

For the past five years, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) has repeatedly brought up the number of dreams and visions they have received concerning the cities of America on fire with riots. As far as we could trace, some were as far back as 1983 when Elizabeth Alves had gone away for a season of fasting and prayer. During this time she had a very disturbing vision with similarities to the current situation in Ferguson, Missouri that erupted following the grand jury’s decision after a young African-American was shot by a white policeman.


Prayer Alert for Ferguson, MO

The City of St. Louis and the nation await the release of the judgment of the Grand Jury regarding Officer Darren Wilson and the shooting of Michael Brown on August 9. There is much speculation and opinion as to when the verdict will be announced, but that information is well guarded, available only on a need-to-know basis.


2014 Election Guides

The 2014 mid-term elections are less than two weeks away! On November 4, millions of US citizens will participate in voting for their state politicians. 2014 is an election year with significant implications. Although it may not come with the publicity and excitement of a presidential election, this year’s midterm electoral cycle carries the potential to shift the political arena in a dramatic way. Here’s why:


RPN Has Moved

We are streamlining our communications platforms to make it easier for people to find out what Generals is doing and how they can participate with us. We are also developing content and resources to better equip individuals, families, prayer groups, etc. because we believe with all of our hearts that changed lives can change nations.


A Prophetic Viewpoint of Ferguson, Missouri

Whenever I watch the news of pain displayed on so many different levels such as we have been seeing in Ferguson, Missouri, I start to dig into history to find out what is fueling the situation. In addition, I begin to ask God how to pray in order for peace to be released into the situation, so His justice can prevail on all sides.