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Word of Encouragement

Word of Encouragement

Thinking Beyond the Sermon

“…let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance…” – Proverbs 1:5 (NIV)

In our world of changing technology and increasing confusion, I have become more and more aware of some of the issues and shortcomings with our traditional methods of teaching and discipling in church—an area of consideration that is often overlooked because we are used to the way it has always been done.

Word of Encouragement

Prophetic Alert for Australia

We pray for Australia today.

For the Lord would say, “Satan is going to try to come in like a flood, even to the west of Australia, and begin to disrupt formally very peaceful areas. In fact, people will say, ‘Oh, that could never happen here.’”

Word of Encouragement

The Beginning of Knowledge: Becoming Educated Reformers

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7; NKJV)

I am learning more and more to seek the Lord about the root of the problems we face in our world. As I prayed over the matter of education, I sensed the Lord saying that a spirit of foolishness pervades our culture when it comes to learning. We have come to despise wisdom and instruction.

Word of Encouragement

Word from the Lord – Wind in Your Sails

For the Lord would say, “You’re going to get the wind at your back. And right now, I see that there are some people that you’re like a ship, and the ship has no wind in the sails. And you just feel like you’re stuck, you’re stopped, you can’t go on your journey.” But the Lord says, “I am going to begin to blow upon your sails. There’s going to be wind in your sails.”

Word of Encouragement

Word of the Lord – Deep Calls Unto Deep

For the Lord would say, “I am bringing you into new depths in Me”, says God. “For even as My word says ‘deep calls unto deep,’ there are depths, and there are places in Me that you do not know about. There are resources of grace deep within your soul that you are going to be able to tap a new level,” says the Lord.

Word of Encouragement

The Power of the Media Mountain

Keeping in step with God requires a knowledge of times and seasons, and even now, God is releasing greater revelation as He mobilizes His army to take possession of the cultural mountains (or kingdoms) of this world. The battle is for cultural prominence, and you don’t ascend these mountains without a fight.