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Word of Encouragement

Word of Encouragement

When Silence Falls

Over the past month, we have shared a lot of principles and truths about hearing God, recognizing His voice, and acting on what He says. God wants us to know His voice because He desires relationship with us—we can be close to Him.

But what about when you cannot hear Him? What about the times when He feels so far away and so silent?

Word of Encouragement

Fasting: Focusing on His Voice

One of the most effective ways to experience an increased sensitivity to the voice of God is to develop a lifestyle of fasting. Although it’s not a particularly enjoyable discipline, spending a period of time away from a certain pleasure of life (food in particular) allows us to purposefully deny ourselves to focus on the Lord.

Word of Encouragement

Practicing the Prophetic (Part 2)

In part one of this article, we considered that the gift of prophecy is something that has to be cultivated deliberately and intentionally if we want to see it at work in our lives. This gift is not something reserved for an elite or super-spiritual few; it is available to every believer who will pay attention to the nudges of the Holy Spirit around them.

Word of Encouragement

A Season of Grace

Through the prophetic, it’s being revealed that 2015 will be a season of grace. Grace is commonly associated with the number five, and five appears in the numbers for both the Gregorian (2015) and the Jewish (5775) new years.

Word of Encouragement

Hearing in the Stillness

Many years ago, the Lord took me on an unusual spiritual journey into stillness. My normal habit was to get up early in the morning for a time of devotion and prayer. I couldn’t really call this time with the Lord a “quiet time” because my spirit was anything but quiet as I poured out my problems and the problems of people I knew before the throne of God. I had learned a couple of methods of praying and diligently followed one or the other every day. When I finished the prescribed outline, I said “amen” and went on with my day.

Word of Encouragement

Living Daily in His Secret Place

Bob McGee’s lovely praise song often resonates in my spirit, particularly at Christmas time. The words “God with us, revealed in us” especially capture my heart and remind me of Paul’s words in Acts 17:28: “. . . for in Him we live and move and have our being.”