Overcoming Depression
Cindy Jacobs and her son Daniel sit down to talk about overcoming depression.
Cindy Jacobs and her son Daniel sit down to talk about overcoming depression.
One of the key benefits of the prophetic is that it allows us to know a sense of divine timing and purpose (Amos 3:7). Like the religious leaders in Jesus’ day, it’s entirely possible to have a thorough knowledge of scripture, yet miss what God is doing in the earth at a given time (see Matt. 16:1-3).
There are no easy answers to these desert times, but know this: you aren’t alone. Whether you are well known or walking in anonymity, we all face “dark nights of the soul.” These times may be painful, and may even come close to pushing you toward hopelessness, but know that you can make it through.
Cindy shares with her son Daniel the advice her father gave her that helped her overcome depression.
The Lord promises to exchange trouble for a door of hope. The context of this is very strong. Hosea has married, at the request of God, into a seemingly hopeless situation. His marriage is in shambles as his wife is a prostitute who worships other foreign gods. Yet, in the midst of this, the Lord promises that He will make a way where there seems to be no way out of these overwhelming circumstances.
Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in church? Like you’re the only one there not tapping into some amazing experience with God? Like you’d feel judged and ostracized if you showed people who you really are? In this video, Cindy and her son Daniel talk about feeling like an imposter.
Many Christian families are struggling to make ends meet. How was it that there wasn’t any destitute or needy person in the church after Pentecost? On a corporate level, with the upcoming harvest of souls and the great need for missionaries, it is critical to find some answers. There are many leaders with an incredible breadth of vision for the nations, but there just never seems to be enough money to go around.