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Word of Encouragement

Word of Encouragement

You Will Make an Impact

The Lord would say to you, “I’m going to use you to make an impact. You’re going to be an impactful person.” I feel like some of you have lost hope that you could be that person. I’m feeling by the Spirit that some of you in times past thought, “I’m going to do great things for God; I’m going to accomplish so much.” But at this moment you just don’t have a belief or a hope that it is still going to happen.

Word of Encouragement

A New Day of Elevation

As I was praying about a word of encouragement for you, this is the word I got: elevation. And I’m going to pray into that. For the Lord says that some of you feel like you are stuck. Or you are feeling like, “Where is God in my life right now?”

Word of Encouragement

You’re a Winner

I was praying and asking the Lord what word He wanted to give to encourage you. So many discouraging things come at us, we need some encouragement. And this is what I hear: You are a winner. You’re not a loser.

Word of Encouragement

It’s Time for Joyful Increase

For the Lord would say, “In this year of joyful increase, not only do I want to increase your joy, but I also want to increase your finances. I want to increase your health, the many days of health. I want to increase your faith. I want to increase your levels of encouragement for others.”

Word of Encouragement

An Issachar Anointing

I’ve been feeling an urge to share with you that we are in a season that is like the age of Issachar. Issachar was a tribe that suddenly left the camp of Saul, and they came to the camp of David. The Lord says, “I am releasing an Issachar anointing, so you will know what to do.”