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Word of Encouragement

Word of Encouragement

Catch the Wave

As I was praying, I saw a vision of a huge wave, and the Lord spoke to me that there is a momentum gathering of the power of the Holy Spirit. A wave gathers power and goes towards the shore, and I see that there’s going to be many, many people working together. There’s going to be many groups working together.

Word of Encouragement

Be Released Into Your New Season

The Lord says, “My children, didn’t I tell you not to let your dreams die? Some of you are stuck because you have just said, ‘Well, that dream is gone.’ Didn’t I say there was a convergence of dreams? Didn’t I say that there were prayers that you have prayed that are all coming together?”

Word of Encouragement

A Higher Season

Hello! As I have been seeking the Lord for a word to encourage your heart, this is what I received: this is a higher season. There is such an anointing on those words – a higher season.

Word of Encouragement

A Time for Restitution

Restitution. I keep hearing this word. Satan has stolen so many things from the body of Christ, but often, we just let it go. We let it slide. But the Lord says, “There is a law of restitution biblically that you should be given back what Satan has stolen.”

Word of Encouragement

Season of Crucible

Many of you have been feeling like you are in a pressure cooker, a crucible. The Lord would say to you, “My child, you are going to come out of this as pure gold, for this is a season of refining. This is a season where I am asking people, ‘Would you choose the difficult jobs in life for My kingdom? Would you be willing to go to the high places rather than to walk in low places where you just get by and you just take care of yourself and a few others?’”

Word of Encouragement

This is a Season of Blessing

“I see some of you are in this season where you look around, and you feel like so many things have been robbed from you. And there has been a robbing spirit” — that’s what I hear the name is, a ‘robbing spirit’ — “to come and take your blessing. And some of you are even in such a desperate state that you are like David was when he came home and all his family was gone, the possessions. And you are in such a terrible state that you do not know what to do.”