Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!

Stand Against The Robbing Spirit!

You know, not only am I a prophet, but I’m also a prophetic intercessor, which means I don’t just hear the word, but I understand what to do with it. There’s a word that the Lord has been sharing with me about a challenge facing the body of Christ—a robbing spirit. This isn’t about physical theft; it’s a spiritual force intent on stealing your finances, your time, your energy, your health. It’s insidious, waiting until you reach a certain level of prosperity or blessing, then trying to bring you down.

I stand against this robbing spirit in Jesus’ name, declaring it won’t succeed in taking from God’s people. And I thank the Father for His protection. “Am I not a God who restores?” says the Lord. “Do I not watch over you, see the enemy’s schemes? Am I not the Commander of heavenly hosts, ready to dispatch angels to ensure your restoration?”

The Lord wants to comfort you with this assurance: “I never sleep, I never slumber, and I am always working for your good.” What a wonderful affirmation. God bless you.