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Word of the Lord Over the Nations & How to Pray

Word of the Lord for the Nations

Received on a plane to Calgary, Canada 4/19/24

Do not think that the people who are protesting and calling for a Palestinian State are just protesting on behalf of Palestine. Whether they understand or not, there is an insurrection forming that is like unto the Communist takeover in Russia for the downfall of the Tzars. Only this time, they are aiming for the nations of Canada, the United States, and other nations of the world. Among the other nations, Europe is especially their target.

This is a planned takeover, not only ideologically, but nationally. It has infiltrated our militaries and is gaining strength. At the moment, they are quietly planning. There are proxies on the streets in protest. This is not only about bringing a Palestinian state to the Middle East but an Islamic State to North America and other nations. They are subversive and even use misguided students. However, the movement at large is on a much bigger and more pervasive scale.

This Palestinian State is also part of a larger alliance of Iran as the head, with a Caliphate of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Hezbollah will be part of this axis of evil, and eventually join with Afghanistan. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and other Middle Eastern nations cannot be neutral because you will one day be in the crosshairs of a Middle Eastern takeover, and your independence will be threatened. Africa: choose the right side. Do not side against Israel in this battle.

Russia is watching like a devourer to swoop down on Europe through Ukraine. China is being restrained through prayer against gobbling up Taiwan, Korea, and Asia. Even if these alliances work as an axis of evil, Islam will eventually break these alliances and take over.

The insurrectionists are set in Paris, London, and other European cities, as well as in Australia, and Latin America.

However, the Hand of God is waiting to cover those nations who are on their face in repentance and holiness.

Judgment has begun at the House of God and will increase, and there may appear to be a severity in the cleansing of the church. There will be no wiggle room for those who think that no one sees. This judgment is to clean the house in order to give the Church the authority in prayer to avert what is coming.

For the covers are coming off of hidden sin. “Those in the prayer movement are going first because some of them stood in My face,” says the Lord, “and brought uncleanness and mixture before the throne. This will not be tolerated. It is time to confess, before you are exposed and cry out to Me to help as you navigate through the consequences.

“For those who truly love Me more than hiding your sin, I will help you, even though it will be difficult. You can choose to go the hard way, or the way of holiness and repentance.

“For I am jealous for my revival and the raising up reformers for your nations. The hearts of many of those who are in this new move of God must not be crushed and darkened by the sin of the church.

“I am the refiner’s fire,” says the Lord. “I am holiness personified. Cry out to be holy and washed clean.

“Holiness belongs to me,” says the Lord. “I will not tolerate mixture. Even though it seems like I haven’t seen the sin of some in the church, I know all things, and I am going to reveal a side of me that many have not seen in their lifetime.

“If the church repents, I will relent. I will protect your nations. If the church repents, I will deal with the coming world consequences and give wisdom to the leaders of your nations. For foolish governance is a consequence of sin. If the people elect those who snub their noses at biblical principles, their leaders will be like blind people and cause grave mistakes to be made.

“Turn to me, Church,” says the Lord, “for I desire mercy and not judgment. Turn to me with fasting and prayer, and turn from your wicked ways. I am waiting,” says the Lord, “to hear your cries and heal your land.”

Prayer Guide

How to Pray the Word of the Lord

Over the Nations

Introduction to the Prayer Guide

When Paul the Apostle wrote to young Timothy, he said, “But know this, that in the last days, grievous times shall come” (2 Timothy 3:1 ASV).

It doesn’t take a prophet to realize that our nation and the nations of the earth are in serious trouble. There are raging wars and threats of even greater worldwide conflict. Plus, economic instability, riots, and protests are all off the charts. Now, we are experiencing the re-emergence of antisemitism propagated by ill-advised university students calling for a socialist revolution, which is unbelievably misguided, tragic, and demonic. From a historical standpoint, this hearkens back to the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany, the rise of the communist revolution, and even the violent Islamic takeover of nations across Asia.

Today’s prophetic voice is God’s way of crying out and waking us up. He warns because He is a God of mercy.

In his time, the prophet Jeremiah’s heart-broken lament was:

“Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people” (Jeremiah 9:1 NKJV)!

What can we do? The same! God will hear the heart of the broken and contrite. It is time to bow our knees in prayer, change our hearts, and return to our merciful and mighty God who will turn our brokenness into rejoicing.

We are at a critical tipping point. We must join together in crying out for God’s mercy through our brokenness. I implore you to call out to our Father, not just one time, but until we see His Hand turn this evil around and restore us to His mighty purpose.

This prayer guide is designed to provide a framework for interceding effectively and strategically for the dire issues outlined in the “Word of the Lord for Nations”, released by Cindy Jacobs and the Apostolic Council for Prophetic Elders (ACPE) on April 25, 2024. Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures and guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we will delve into specific areas of concern, repentance, and petition. We will address both personal and corporate sin, seeking forgiveness, healing, and transformation for ourselves, our families, university campuses, communities, and our nations.

Day 1 – Day of Repentance

“… ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’” (Matthew 3:2 NKJV)!

Whenever God calls us to pray over a severe issue, like this one, that could cause the dissolution of our freedoms as we know them, The Almighty requires us to start with personal inspection, cleansing, and repentance; He requires a solemn alteration of heart and mind.

To fear the LORD is to hate evil. The LORD hates pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and twisted speech (Proverbs 8:13).

The Spirit of the LORD speaking through Peter made it clear that a change of heart, repentance, begins first in us, His Church. We are His household; it will start with us!

“For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God’s household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God’s Good News” (I Peter 4:17 NLT)?

We must return to the fear, respect, and awe of God in every area of our lives. We must return to holiness, standing apart from the perversion of this world, to stand before the Holy One of Israel in our petitions! We must cry out the same way King David did as he wrote,

“Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts, and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalms 139:23-24 AMPL).

Cleansing from Unforgiveness:

  • “Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us” (Matthew 6:12 GNT). Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind those you need to forgive and those who have wronged you. Ask for the conviction of the Lord to rise in you over any unforgiveness. We know that if we harbor sin in our hearts, God will not hear us!

  • Watch over each other to make sure that no one misses the revelation of God’s grace. And make sure no one lives with a root of bitterness sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many” (Hebrews 12:15 TPT). Bitterness can develop from long-standing unforgiveness. The result is often doubt and unbelief. Let the Lord show you if anger or resentful feelings toward a person or situation have created bitterness in your soul. Cry out to the Lord to give you the courage to forgive and release that one, plucking this crippling sin out at the root, restoring hope and passion for intercession.

  • Remember, the Lord is not asking you to stay in an abusive situation, but He is asking you to let go of resentment. Then, ask the Lord to touch your wounded heart and heal that place in your life. Ask Your Heavenly Father to direct you to the next step in your healing.

Our Personal Prayer:

  • Merciful Father, search me and show me where I have fallen into compromise, disobedience, and become misled. Reveal all sins that have led me down the wrong path. Show me where I have ignored Your Word, that I may return.

  • Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.  Wash me clean from my guilt.  Purify me from my sin. For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night (Psalm 51:1-3; NLT).

  • Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me (Psalms 51:1-3, 10-11 NLT). [Take a minute to talk with the Lord about any specific personal sin.] Thank you, Lord, for the cleansing blood of Jesus which has washed me clean today. Amen.


Day 2 – A Call for Corporate Repentance: The Sins of the Church

The next step is to come together in corporate repentance for the sins of the Church and the sins of the nation. Individuals, of course, can pray the prayers in these sections, however, the power of agreement with others brings results. Assemble a gathering for prayer at your church, work, school, or even a Zoom call with others.

We will begin by repenting for the household of God.

We read earlier that “Judgement begins at home” with His family (I Peter 4:17). His Church is the household of the Redeemed. Let’s begin here by repenting for the Church, of which we are all members, and therefore take responsibility for her sins.

It is important to note that we cannot address unholy acts of violence and sins of disunity and division among the nations when we ourselves are guilty of the same sin.

Corporately, we, God’s people, as His Church, need to come together and cry out for mercy and forgiveness, returning to the true worship of God in Spirit and truth. It’s time to call for a solemn assembly and return to the Lord in humility and brokenness (Joel 1:14, 2:15).

Let’s pray these prayers in unity together for the Body of Christ:

Unity and Reconciliation Among Believers

  • Holy God, forgive us for competition and division within Your Church. We pray for a spirit of unity and reconciliation among believers across denominational, racial, cultural, and generational lines, repenting of divisions, factions, and sectarianism within the body of Christ.

  • Oh Lord, break down walls of division and mistrust, fostering a spirit of love, humility, and mutual respect among Your people.

Commitment to Holiness and Discipleship

  • Lord, we pray for a renewed commitment to holiness and discipleship within the church. We repent of compromise, worldliness, and lukewarmness in our pursuit of You, God, and Your kingdom.

  • We ask You to raise up leaders and mentors who will disciple and equip believers to grow in maturity, faithfulness, and obedience to Christ.

  • God of Mercy, forgive us, Your Ekklesia, those called out by You, for becoming lukewarm and abandoning our first love. We have been distracted and have run after and pursued other loves.

  • We have too often focused our worship on ourselves rather than giving You all the glory and honor, which You so deserve.  Forgive us, Lord.

Empowerment for Ministry and Mission

  • Many times, we have faithfully prayed, but have we not done all we can to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and destroy the works of the evil one (1 John 3:8). God forgive us.

  • Mighty God, we pray for empowerment for ministry and mission, repenting of complacency, apathy, and self-centeredness in our service to God and others.

  • Forgive us for becoming complacent in taking the Good News to our co-workers, schoolmates, friends, and neighbors. God, anoint Your people with boldness, wisdom, and compassion to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and demonstrate the love of Christ in word and deed (Mark 16:15).

  • Forgive us, Your Church, for having a form of godliness but neglecting the power of God to save, heal, and set the captives free (2 Timothy 3:5).

Renewal of Passion for Prayer and Intercession

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for a renewal of passion for prayer and intercession in the Church, repenting of prayerlessness, distraction, neglect of spiritual warfare, and communion with God.

  • We ask You, Lord, to stir our hearts with a burden for the lost, the suffering, and the nations, mobilizing Your people to pray fervently and persistently for Your kingdom’s purposes to be fulfilled on earth. In the Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Day 3 – A Call for Corporate Repentance: The Sins of the Nation

God is merciful, but when a nation’s walls are down through the sins of her people, that nation is vulnerable to the takeover by hostile nations and their ungodly ideologies (Deuteronomy 28:49).

God is looking for a Church without spot or wrinkle to stand in the gap for our nations.

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30 NKJV).

We need multitudes to come to Jesus and see our land healed.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV).

The Lord of Hosts is the only army that can destroy the enemies of His people (Romans 13:1-7). When we stand with Him, He fights for us.

You will be secure under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away. You will live in peace, and terror will not come near. If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them. Whoever attacks you will go down in defeat” (Isaiah 54:14-15).

As Daniel cried for his nation of Israel, let us come together and pray as one voice for our nation:

Lord Almighty, You are Great and Awesome; You keep Your covenant of love with those who love You and keep Your Word. But we and our leaders have sinned and done wrong. We and the people of our nation have been unfaithful and turned away from Your truth; we have become rebellious, refusing to obey You.

Now all this disaster has come on us because we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to Your truth. Our sins and iniquities have made us an object of scorn to all those around us. But You, Lord our God, are forgiving. You, O God, are righteous and good in everything You do.

Have mercy, Lord. Look with favor upon us once again and heal our desolation. We do not make requests of You because we are without fault, but because of Your great mercy. Lord, forgive me and the people of my nation! Now, Gracious Father, hear our prayers. Mighty God, do not delay because our nation and Your people need Your help and deliverance. Christ, have Mercy! Lord, have mercy. Come forgive our sins and heal our land. In the priceless Name of Jesus.

It is my heart that the Lord would supernaturally move upon us to travail and weep before Him for the sins of our nation. Tears are often a sign of true brokenness and repentance. An acceptable sacrifice to God is a broken spirit. He will not reject a broken and repentant heart (Psalm 51:17 NLT).

Ask God to break your heart over the sins overtaking your nation, such as:

Repentance for Idolatry and Materialism

  • Lord, we have made comfort and pleasure more important than walking right before You. We ask Your forgiveness for the widespread idolatry we have made from materialism that permeates our nation throughout society, leading many of us to prioritize wealth, and worldly pursuits.

  • Lord, we have committed wickedness before You by shedding innocent blood and becoming complicit and compromised. We have sought our comfort and not Your heart.

“Tell the city what I, the Sovereign LORD, am saying: Because you have murdered so many of your people (children) and have defiled yourself by worshiping idols, your time is coming. You are guilty of those murders and are defiled by the idols you made, and so your day is coming; your time is up! That is why I have let the nations make fun of you and all the countries sneer at you” (Ezekiel 22:3-4 NLT).

It is time NOW to take seriously this WORD of the LORD. As it was valid for Jerusalem…it is true for us. We must return in repentance to the Lord of mercy and truth.

Repentance for Killing Babies in the Womb

  • Lord, You hate “A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17 NKJV).

  • Merciful Father, we have committed that which You hate through the murder of unborn babies. We have allowed evil by not speaking up for the child in the womb. We have allowed unspeakable evil to overtake our children. Have mercy upon us and give us the courage and wisdom to stop the bloodshed. Forgive us, Lord, and heal our land.

  • Father God, renew our hearts and give us boldness to stand with You to protect life from conception to natural death.

  • Lord, give us wisdom to elect leaders who will advocate for the rights and protection of the unborn and the most vulnerable in society.

Trafficking of Women and Children

  • Oh God, enslavement is rampant across the nations of the world. It’s time to cry out for the women, young men, and children who are bought and sold, then discarded, for the pleasure of vile men. So Father God, we cry out to expose and end the sex trafficking of women and children in our cities and nation. Bring an end to pornography and sexual perversion that permeates our media, entertainment, and internet.

  • Forgive me for my complacency by turning my head rather than speaking up and making a stand against this plague. Bring conviction and healing to lost and broken hearts.

  • Bring justice forward by addressing the systemic harm and inequalities this sickness brings in areas of education, healthcare, entertainment, and employment.

Restoration of Moral Integrity and Family Values

  • Lord, we ask You to empower us and our children to restore moral integrity and family values into our culture. We repent for neglecting and contributing to the erosion of Your godly values and normalizing immorality, promiscuity, and generational brokenness.

  • Forgive us for the degradation of marriage and family, and for abdicating our children’s education to ungodly teachers and school boards.

  • Holy God, please strengthen marriage and family, empower parents to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and instill biblical values of love, respect, and responsibility. Lord, we ask all these things in the merciful Name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.


Day 4 – Corporate Prayer for Sins Against the Jews/Antisemitism

We know that God chose a people out of all the nations of the earth for Himself. He calls this unique people His beloved nation, Israel (meaning “The One Who Prevails with God”), and from the tribe of Judah (meaning “Praised One”). As we know, Jesus, the Savior of the world, was born of this very tribe and nation.

The misguided idea of replacement theology is rampant in some churches and nations. Replacement theology says that the Jewish people are not unique to God anymore because they have been “replaced” by the Church.

But the Bible tells us that the nation of Israel will endure for all generations (Jeremiah 32:35-36 GWT).  “And I will dwell among the children of Israel and will not forsake my people Israel” (1 Kings 6:13)

All the people of the earth are to bless God’s beloved Israel and pray for the peace of God to come upon that nation. The Bible tells us that those who bless Israel will be blessed.

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in You all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:2-3 NKJV).

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you’” (Psalm 122:6 NKJV).

Throughout history, the Jewish people have been hated for their special place as God’s chosen people. Plots to annihilate them have risen throughout the ages. We are called to pray blessings upon them, asking the God of Israel to open their eyes to see and their hearts to receive His redemption through their Messiah Jesus. We are called to stand in the gap in prayer for Israel as the spirit of anti-Semitism is rising among the nations once again.

According to Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Spirit of Amalek is the principality that is coming against Israel. We see this is the same spirit that Saul was supposed to deal with. Because he did not, it grew until it manifested through Haman the Agagite, who was a descendant of Agag, the King of the Amalekites.

Prayer for Israel and against antisemitism:

  • Father God, have mercy on our nation and people who have held antisemitism and anti-Jewish ideas and hatred in their hearts. Remove the veil from their eyes and break the spirit of deception off them.

  • Father, forgive us for every word we have spoken that brings curses, not blessings to Your people, Israel, and heal their land.

  • We pray for the protection of Israel, and we ask You to open the eyes of the Jewish people to their Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

  • We pray for victory and triumph for Israel against all forms of hostility and opposition, both on university campuses and in the broader global context.

  • Deliver Israel from those empowered by the spirit of Amalek that has pursued Israel historically and is manifesting against them now. Thank you, Lord for freedom once and for all from this historic spiritual enemy.

  • We declare Your promises of protection and blessing over Israel, trusting in Your faithfulness to fulfill Your Word and defend Your chosen people. We pray these things in the eternal Name of Jesus. Amen.

Day 5 – Prayer for University Campuses

 It is no secret that while we have been sleeping our universities have been taken over by other anti-Christ ideologies. The generations are literally rebelling against Israel and the Jewish people. We are aware that no nation is perfect, but violence against the Jewish people must not be tolerated.

Pray against antisemitism on our college campuses:

Forgiveness for Hatred of the Jewish People

  • Father, we stand in the gap for our universities and university students. Father, forgive their hatred and animosity towards the Jewish people!

  • We hear in their chants those who want to utterly destroy Israel and the Jewish people when they cry, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” This is the call for the genocide of Israel and the Jews.

  • Father, we now repent for the defilement of our streets and universities through that death chant. Cover this sin with Your precious blood, and forgive the student protestors who, knowingly or unknowingly, are making this decree.

  • Father, we declare the Spirit of Amalek illegal on our college campuses and in our cities, in Jesus’ Name.

Protection for Jewish Students and Allies

  • We pray for the safety and protection of Jewish students and faculty and those who support Israel amidst the tensions and hostility on campus.

  • Oh Lord, surround them with Your angels and grant them wisdom and discernment in their interactions.

Divine Intervention

  • We pray for divine intervention to disrupt and dismantle the anti-Israel protest encampments, bringing an end to their influence and activities on campus.

  • Lord, reveal Your truth and righteousness, causing confusion and division among those who seek to promote hatred against Israel.

Hearts Opened to Understanding

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for the hearts of those participating in the anti-Israel protests to be opened to understanding and empathy.

  • God, soften their hearts and grant them revelation of the truth about Israel and the Jewish people, dispelling misconceptions and prejudices.

Peace and Reconciliation

  • We pray for Your peace and reconciliation to prevail on university campuses, replacing hostility and division with understanding and respect.

  • We ask You God to raise up peacemakers who will bridge the gap between opposing groups, and foster dialogue and reconciliation.

Wisdom for University Leadership

  • Lord, we pray for wisdom and discernment for university administrators and leaders as they navigate the challenges posed by anti-Israel protests on campus.

  • Guide them in implementing policies and initiatives that promote a culture of respect, tolerance, and understanding.

Exposure of Manipulative Agendas

  • God of Light, we pray for the exposure of manipulative agendas behind the anti-Israel protests, revealing the true motivations and intentions of those involved. We declare there is nothing covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be made known (Matthew 10:26).

  • We pray that the proliferation of radical Islam and Marxism would cease, and that students will learn the truth about Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

  • We call upon You to thwart the efforts of individuals or groups seeking to incite violence or sow discord under the guise of activism.

  • Lift blinders of deception off the eyes of students who attach emotionally to issues with youthful zeal but may not understand how they are being used and manipulated. Show them the truth, Lord. Save and deliver them, in Jesus’ Name.

Revival and Awakening on College and University Campuses

  • We pray for a revival and awakening among university students, faculty, and staff, leading to a renewed understanding of God’s love for Israel and His purposes for the nation.

  • God of Light, lift the veil from the eyes of those who are deceived so that they may see and perceive the truth and be open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Lord, raise up bold witnesses who will proclaim the truth of Your Word and the importance of standing with Israel in these critical times. We rejoice in advance of the revival, awakening, and great harvest of souls we will see, Lord! Thank you, Jesus, Lord of the Harvest. Amen!

Day 6 – Prayer over Global Alliances

The Word of the Lord for the Nations revealed an existing axis of evil. With Iran as its head, it is a Caliphate including the Palestinian State, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. The Lord warned that Hezbollah would be a part of this alliance, and eventually, Afghanistan. God warned other nations in the Middle East, as well as Africa, to resist participating with this Caliphate and to remain independent.

The Lord highlighted Russia desiring to overtake Europe through Ukraine. And China is also a threat to world security, desiring to control Taiwan, Korean, and other countries in Asia.

The Lord warned that while the nations of Iran, Russia, and China could align as an expanded axis of evil, the Caliphate of Islam could eventually take over. The fervent intercession of a repentant Church is the only way to keep this greater ungodly alliance from forming, and to prevent World War III.

And in the middle of all of this is the nation of Israel, the “Apple of God’s Eye”.

Intercession for the Nations:

Stopping the Caliphate and World War III

  • Father, break up the axis of evil that would cause Word War III, and keep it from occurring. Hold the enemy back from manipulating times and law as in Daniel 7:25.

  • We pray for a spirit of humility to prevail among world leaders, guarding them against pride and arrogance that can lead to hasty and reckless decisions.

  • Stop the expansion of the Caliphate and the power-grabbing connections of Iran, Russia, and China. Keep radicalized Muslims from carrying out a jihad in our cities and schools and nations. (We are aware that not all Muslims are radicalized, and we must not abuse or harass them.) Give them dreams and visions and introduce them to the One they are truly fighting against – Jesus, the Living God.

  • Oh Lord, God, expose and thwart the schemes of those who promote ungodly alliances and agendas that threaten global stability and peace. We pray for protection against manipulative influences that seek to exploit divisions and sow discord among nations for selfish gain.

Wisdom and Discernment for World Leaders

  • Lord, we lift world leaders before you and ask that they be filled with wisdom and discernment as they navigate complex geopolitical challenges and relationships.

  • Oh God, grant them insight into the true intentions and motivations behind potential alliances, guiding them to make decisions that align with Your will and purposes.

  • Give them strength and boldness to resist and break up these ungodly alliances and the existing axis of evil.

Protection Against Terrorist Attacks

  • Lord, protect us from terrorist attacks. As Your Word tells us, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1 ESV).

  • Protect our cities, schools, national monuments, historical sights, and government offices from all forms of terrorist activities.

  • May Your hand of protection be over our infrastructure – bridges, electrical and telecommunications grids, dams, and water supplies, etc. You are our Protector, Jesus, and we thank You for Your loving care for us. Amen.


Use of Military Intervention

  • Father, we know that Israel had to go to war in response to a terrorist action against them. In this case, war was necessary for the protection and preservation of their people. Open the eyes of the world to see this truth, and give Israel’s leaders courage, wisdom, timing, and quick success.

  • We pray for the protection of Israelis and for a swift return of the remaining hostages. Lord, comfort their families.

  • Father, we grieve the loss of innocent lives in Gaza, and pray for protection of those who do not support the terrorists.

  • Lord, the innocent in Lebanon and all the areas surrounding Israel need Your protection, especially Believers in these countries.

  • Lord, we ask for a quick and merciful end to the Israel/Gaza War.

  • In other situations, Lord, we ask for restraint in the use of military force as a means of resolving conflicts, recognizing the devastating impact of war on innocent lives and communities.

  • We pray that the first course of action between nations would not be war, when unjustified. We ask for a de-escalation of international conflicts where it is possible.

Divine Intervention and Protection

  • We call out to You, Lord, for divine intervention and protection over the nations of the world, especially Israel, shielding them from the threat of war and conflict.

  • We declare that media will speak the truth, and all twisting of truth in our airwaves will stop. Your Word says, “Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit” (Proverbs 12:17 ESV). This deception is fueling upheaval in our nations, Lord, empowering the Caliphate, radical Islam, and communism. It is turning hearts against Israel. Deliver us, we pray!

  • We ask You to intervene supernaturally to diffuse tensions, resolve disputes, and bring about reconciliation and healing among nations divided by ideology, history, and geopolitics.

  • You are Government personified, Jesus, so we look to you to raise up righteous governance over the nations. Your word tells us, “The people rejoice when the righteous rule” (Proverbs 29:2a, KJV). Thank you for peace and safety in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Day 7 – National Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Time and again throughout history, there is documentation of revival and awakening following intense times of repentance and intercession. The Bible tells us, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:15; KJV).

We have spent the previous days in intense introspection, asking God to forgive us for all known and hidden sin, first in ourselves, then in the Church, then in our nations. God bends low and listens when this type of intercession is occurring. You have been used as an instrument of His grace in the earth. Now, from that place of righteousness only found in Him, through the shed blood of Jesus, and in the power of His resurrection, passionately petition Him on that throne of grace for worldwide spiritual awakening and a great harvest of souls!

Pray for revival and awakening in your nation:

  • Lord, we call out to You for a massive spiritual awakening in our nation. Lord of the Harvest, we ask You to send a powerful revival of the Church and a national spiritual awakening, igniting hearts with passion for Jesus Christ and His kingdom.

  • We ask You, God, to pour out Your Spirit afresh, convicting hearts of sin, drawing people to repentance, and transforming lives with Your love and power.

  • We pray that the eyes of our government leaders, university presidents and professors, and leaders in every sphere will be opened to the gospel.

Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord!  Awake as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Are You not the arm that cut Rahab apart, and wounded the serpent? Are You not the One who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that made the depths of the sea a road for the redeemed to cross over? So, the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isaiah 51:9-11 NKJV).

Hear our cry, and deliver our nations, Lord. Release the harvest from the hold the enemy has had over multitudes of souls. Make us ready to disciple this fresh harvest, and the nations of the earth, in Jesus’ glorious Name! Amen and amen.


Prayer-walk your local college campuses and universities.

Make plans to send teams to evangelize local campuses.

Meet local college students and invite them into your home.

Plan a prayer meeting on or near a college or university and cry out for massive revivals on our campuses.

Send Judah first! By this, it is meant to send worshippers to sing and worship to win the battle against the forces of darkness raging in our cities and on our campuses.