This is a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs about God’s power and light. You can listen the word through the audio player below.
I’ve been meditating on Isaiah 60, and you know what it says:
“First one to rise, shine for you light,” and this is the voice broken through. “The eternal brilliance has dawned upon you. See truly, look carefully, darkness blankets the earth, people all over are cloaked in darkness, but God will rise and shine upon you. The Eternal’s bright glory will shine in you light for all to see.”
I’m going to stop there. You know, this is a picture of us. It says that God’s light comes upon us and all can see it. That’s a powerful statement right there. The Lord would say, “The light of the body of Christ is getting ready to shine brighter. I’m getting ready to increase the luminosity of my people so when they gather together, there’s going to be a piercing of the darkness.” For the Lord says, “Even as the holiness movement is dawning upon us and people are coming out of a state of compromise, and I am awakening my people in this Nation,” and we are in an awakening. The Lord says, “Even as I do that you’re going to see my brightness shine all over the world,” says the Lord.
In fact, the Lord would say, “In the past, the body of Christ would have trouble getting on major news services but I say to you, ‘Now they’re going to call you.’ They’re going to say, ‘What are you doing?’ Because they are going to be hungry for the light. I’m going to make them hungry for the light.” And the Lord would say, “I have called you to be a city set on a hill.” And so the Lord says, “You have to climb the hill to be set on a hill. You have to go to the top of that mountain for all to see your light.”
So, I would say to you, “Arise and Shine.” I would say to you, “What is your mountain? Where do you have to go to shine to be seen? What do you have to do?” “For there is a mobilization I’m calling you to,” says the Lord, “that is far greater than you’ve ever known before. My people, people will advance in the day of my power,” says the Lord.
So, the Lord says to you, “Don’t be apathetic, stir yourself up, stir yourself up on your most holy faith and get on your boots and get ready to be a mountain climber, for some of you know you are supposed to go to the top of your field, but you are somehow lagging behind. Some of you are being resisted by the enemy. But, know that I am the greater one, the enemy cannot stand and resist you. I am the one that is causing a piercing, bright light that the enemy cannot see in the midst of the brightness that I will shine.”
“And, do not fear the works of the occult. Do not get in fear because fear and faith do not mix,” says the Lord, “but, stand up, arise and shine, take your authority and I will even use what the works of darkness has tried to do against President Trump, against others where people are saying, ‘We’re going to form and we’re going to curse,’ but I, the Lord says, ‘Just rise and shine,'” says the Lord.
“Stand on my holy mountain. I am blowing the trumpet on my holy mountain. Calling my people together to pray. I am calling my people together to assemble. I’m calling my people together to go forward,” says the Lord. And the Lord says, “If you get in fear, you yourself will lose.” And the Lord says, “Even I receive a new anointing of faith, receive a new anointing of strength, receive a new anointing of grace, fear not for I am with you. Resist the devil and he will flee, so it’s time to shine.”
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