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As One: A National Appeal to Heaven


I am so excited to invite you to join us for a powerful prayer initiative that we believe will have tremendous impact on our nation.

As a coordinated effort between several national ministries, we are going to prayer walk every zip code in the nation! Can you believe it?

You can prayer walk your neighborhood any time, but there will be two specific times when we will all unite in prayer. The first 40 Days will have a focus on revival and awakening, beginning on Resurrection Day, March 27, and continuing through the National Day of Prayer on May 5.

The second 40 Days will focus on the election, beginning September 30 and ending on Election Day, November 8.

You can find more information and resources on the website 

The press release below outlines our vision for this effort. Please make plans to participate, and let’s unite As One to shift the nation.

Appealing to Heaven as One: Prayer Walking Every Street and Zip Code in the USA

 The vast majority of people in America believe in the power of prayer. As the late minister James Edwin Orr once said, “No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer.”

 Across the nation, leaders are hearing the Lord say that the U.S. is going to experience a great awakening.

 Prompted by this message, a coalition of influential evangelical and charismatic/Pentecostal leaders met this past December in Colorado Springs, hosted by Dick Eastman at the international headquarters of Every Home for Christ. 

 The coalition—including Paul Cedar (Mission America), John Bornschein (National Day of Prayer), Ed Silvoso (Harvest Evangelism), Dutch Sheets, Lou Engle, David Butts (National Prayer Committee), Mike and Cindy Jacobs (Generals International), and David Kubal (Intercessors for America)—sought the Lord, strategized, and came to a consensus that God was leading them to unite and issue a national call for multiple days of fasting and prayer walking.

 Out of this has emerged a broad coalition of ministries called As One. The vision is: uniting as one, appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate of our nation.

 The strategy involves two 40-day periods of prayer walking, fasting, and corporate prayer events. The first segment will start on Easter Sunday, March 27, and run through the National Day of Prayer on May 5. The second begins on September 30 and ends on Election Day. In addition, there will be collaboration with major national prayer events happening throughout the year.

 The plan is to prayer walk every street and every zip code in the United States. This will take an army of believers who will strap on their walking shoes and cry out to heaven as they journey past the streets, houses, businesses, schools, and police and fire stations of the nation. We foresee a multi-generational and multi-racial effort at bringing transformation.

 God is looking for a people who will take Him at His word to “give Him no rest” until our nation returns to righteousness, so we will appeal to heaven to see a massive revival sweep the nation from coast to coast.

 You can find devotions, information, and resources at More details will soon be available on how you, your church, and other movements can join us in putting feet to our prayers.

 For more information:

 Bri Fahrmeier

email: or phone 1-800-423-5054


Interviews with leaders are available by request.