I just had a vision as we were worshipping of a door that seemingly shut and sealed. And then I saw a picture of a key, and on this key was written the word ‘wisdom’.
And the Lord would say, “Have I not said that wisdom is the principle thing. For you have been trying and trying to get doors open that are stuck. You do not know what to do, you feel like no matter what you do nothing happens.” But the Lord says, “I want you to understand that there are keys to your success and keys to your future that cannot be obtained through earthly knowledge, but there is a higher way.
And the Lord says, “If you will come up higher, if you will spend time in my presence, if you begin to worship Me, I am going to show you wisdom that is from above and not from below.” And the Lord would say, “If you could get everything in your natural knowledge you would not seek Me, you would not spend time to seek Me.”
But the Lord says, “If you stand, I am going to show you what to do as you enter in to that place of intimacy with Me. I am going to put keys in your hands. Cry out for wisdom. Seek my face because I say it is the principle thing. If there was something else that was meant to be the principle thing, I would have told you that was the thing. But the Lord says, “There is wisdom that is not earthly that will put others in awe. They will say, “How did you find that solution?”
The Lord says, “Even as you enter into this new wisdom realm that I have for you. I will give you keys even through dreams I will give you keys through someone coming and speaking that one thing you need. You see, wisdom attracts. Wisdom is supernatural attraction for the things that need to take place in your life for your future,” says God.
So the Lord says, “Even as you enter into worship and you begin to pray and say, ‘Lord, you say if I ask for wisdom, you will give me it.’ And as you begin to honor My word by seeking Me for wisdom.” The Lord would say to you, “I am going to supernaturally reveal your steps. And others will say, ‘How did you do it?’ But it’s me,” says the Lord.
Cindy’s Follow-Up
As I begin to pray for wisdom, it’s almost like I begin to see my way form before me. It’s like if God puts a concept for a book in my heart, I way not know where to go with getting it published or where to go, there are pieces of that I need. I may not know sources I need to source. I may not know who to interview. But as I seek God on wisdom on it, which is really that supernatural word of wisdom, all of the sudden that book will come into my hand, that interview will open up.
You see, when we pray for wisdom, wisdom manifest. People don’t understand there’s a manifestation of wisdom and it’s as supernatural as any gift of the Holy Spirt. Wisdom gives us knowledge that we need and then we get understanding. But the wisdom is the door opener, it is the way maker, it is the direction that you need and then you get knowledge behind that wisdom how to make it happen.
So I pray for you today, and I pray for those here, Lord, we ask for wisdom. And we ask for wisdom that will be supernatural that will give us those keys that will open the door that will be the way maker for our future, for our provision, for our success, for us to know what to do. And the Lord says, “You will not attain this by spiritual laziness, you have to seek My face and when you seek Me, you will find what you need,” says the Lord. Amen.
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