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Cindy’s Word from the Lord on Nov 4


For the Lord would say, “I am preparing an assault against the enemy that is going to release your captivity. For the enemy has come to take you captive, to capture your emotions, to capture your finances, to capture your children, to take the things that I want for blessing, and try to rob and steal from you.”

But the Lord says, “Get ready for a wave of blessing. For I am releasing blessing your way,” says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “I have prepared for you exciting new events. I’m doing a new thing, something that you would say, ‘How could this turn out like this? How could this turn around so quickly?'”

But the Lord would say, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard. So I have angelic hosts that have gone forth as My standard bearers,” says the Lord. “I have angelic hosts that even now are being sent forth on your behalf.”

So the Lord says, “Do not agree with what the enemy says. Do not agree with what the enemy is doing. Do not empower him even by the words of your mouth. Do not let him take captive your emotions. Take captive every imagination, every high thing that exalts itself against the things that I have promised for you,” says the Lord. “My promises are yes. My promises are true. My Word is active. I am actively fighting on your behalf. I’m actively working to answer your prayers,” says the Lord. “So know this, there will come a moment when your captivity will be reversed. It will be a suddenly, it will happen in a way that will delight you, and you will see the waves of blessing coming behind it upon you,” says the Lord

Follow Up Prayer from Cindy

Satan is trying to say things will never change. Satan is trying to say that the capitivity is going to last forever and produce depression, but Father, we thank You, Lord; we thank You that we will triumph. We thank You, Father, that we will overcome. We thank You that Your Word is active and alive and powerful and working for us this moment. We thank You the new season is coming. We thank You for the standard You’re raising up. And Father, I just pray, Lord, right now, a blessing. I pray that this season we have been in is going to turn. It is a turnaround moment. It is a suddenly moment. We agree, Father, we are not meant to live in defeat. The enemy is trying to steal from us, but Lord, we claim the abundant life even before we see it because You said You’d give it to us, Lord, and we believe what You say and not the enemy. The enemy is a defeated foe, and we are victorious!
