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Costa Rica: Bringing Heaven to Earth

Mike and I enjoyed an unusually long ministry trip to beautiful Costa Rica—12 days! The tourist agency advertises it as an infinite paradise—you only have to visit once to know why.

The people of this land are so beautiful. They affectionately call themselves “ticos,” a term that embodies their passionate zeal for life. I experience new layers of what this means on every trip. It seems to me that God has given a unique blessing to the people of this land. They love peace, family, and laughter.

Costa Rica has no national army. This is a rarity when one understands their geographic placement. Over the last fifty years of Central American history, their nation has been a peaceful island in the midst of tremendous upheaval and danger in the surrounding nations, such as murders, guerrilla warfare, and kidnappings.

I once prophesied that, as long as the church kept their prayer army for the nation, they would not need a national army because God would protect their borders. Today, we see the need for more prayer than ever as they have a refugee crisis of Cubans and Africans passing through and making their way up through Central America to North America. While most refugees are not criminals, poverty does breeds crime, and it is seemingly on the rise. Still, I have never felt unsafe in the nation.

We went to Costa Rica to speak for the World Convention for Full Gospel Businessmen, which is now starting chapters for women also! It was so exciting for me to see women moving forward in their destinies and purposes. I preached for a women’s luncheon hosted by Brenda Shakarian, the granddaughter of the founder of FGBI. Her parents, Richard and Vangie, have spear-headed this movement for many years, and now the next generations are stepping into legacy as Brenda mobilizes the women.

The last night of the convention, I had the honor of ministering in the general session. They asked me to prophesy and release the Word of the Lord over nations. That night, there were around 5,000 in attendance, plus another 15,000 watching on the web. It was exciting to watch the national leaders post the words for their nations live on Facebook and hear stories of how they awakened in the night in places like Ghana and started contacting each other, saying, “Wake up, wake up! The Lord has a word for us!”

Then, I started praying for the sick, and God poured out power for healing! The testimonies were so powerful, but I am only going to share a few.

I shared that God wanted to heal flat feet. A lady came to the front to testify that God had given her arches! I said, “Take off your shoes, and let me see!” She did and showed her beautiful new arch that God gave her. Her testimony is going to march all over the world! I loved it!

I prayed for people with metal rods, pins, screws, etc. to be healed from loss of mobility, and the gift of the working of miracles was in full manifestation. I told them that sometimes when God heals, people will hear noises from their own bodies as they are being healed.

A young man came forward to testify that God had healed Him. He began to recount how many of the bones in his body were broken when he had a motorcycle accident (a common problem in the land of the ticos!). He then told how he had not been able to walk unassisted after that, but when I prayed, he heard a sharp cracking noise and then a pop, pop, pop noise!

You know what happened? He was healed completely and was walking around by himself!  What a wondrous miracle—he will also be a walking testimony!

Well, beloved, it was a tremendous time. Thank you for your prayers!