I will give her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor or Troubling to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the day of her youth, and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt. (Hosea 2:15 AMP)
This scripture is a beautiful prophetic passage of restoration. The Lord promises to exchange trouble for a door of hope. The context of this is very strong. Hosea has married, at the request of God, into a seemingly hopeless situation. His marriage is in shambles as his wife is a prostitute who worships other foreign gods. Yet, in the midst of this, the Lord promises that He will make a way where there seems to be no way out of these overwhelming circumstances.
You might not understand the richness of this promise if you do not know what the Valley of Achor or Troubling meant to Hosea. In the book of Joshua, we find the children of Israel in the midst of an immense crisis which affects the whole nation. They had tremendous victory over Jericho, but went on to suffer a national disaster at Ai. The sin of one man, Achan, removed the blessing of God over the nation. The place where Achan was stoned to remit the sin was named the Valley of Achor or Troubling.
The Lord was essentially saying to Hosea, “Son, I’m going to turn the curse into a blessing. This woman that seems a curse to you, which is a prophetic picture of the whole nation, will become a blessing. There is hope for you and your nation.”
Action Required
Did this promise automatically turn around the circumstance? Not at all. The crisis required action to turn it around. Many people don’t understand this principle. Many times we are waiting and waiting on God, and He is saying to us, “I will, if you will.” Hosea still had to take his wife back. Joshua had to once again go against Ai. Both of these men knew how to inquire of the Lord to receive directions in the midst of apparent utter defeat and disaster.
David had a similar opportunity to see the Valley of Achor become a door of hope in 1 Samuel 30:1-8. The Amalekites had raided and burned the city of Ziklag where both his and his armies’ wives, sons and daughters were carried off into captivity. It was a dark day for David. The people who had followed him so loyally were ready to stone him (v. 6). However, scripture tells us that David encouraged himself and strengthened himself in the Lord. There was a door of hope for him, but he had to walk through it to obtain the victory!
It is important to remember that who we really are shows up in the midst of a crisis. Crisis will reveal spiritual regression. How you handle adversity uncovers the real you. If David had sat still and tried to rely on the allegiance of man rather than his covenant with God, he’d probably be a man who could have been king.
At the word of the Lord, David overtook the enemy and caught them by surprise when they were celebrating their victory. They made a big mistake in underestimating both David’s God and his ability to hear and obey.
The word of the Lord was the hope needed to charge David’s faith so that he would recover all, and that is exactly what happened! Everything that was taken was rescued, plus he got all the spoils the Amalekites owned. Indeed, all things worked together for good when David trusted God (Rom. 8:28).
Another critical point in turning the Valley of Achor into a door of hope is that we often have to close the door to the trouble, hurt and pain of yesterday in order for the new door to open.
In the case of Achan and Ai, the sin had to be taken care of. This can occur on both personal and corporate levels. The Lord may be trying to open a door of opportunity for us, but unresolved issues, unforgiveness and the woundedness that has come through relational problems may be hindering the blessing of God.
Closing the Door to the Past
How do we close the door of the past?
First of all, seek the Lord’s face regarding your life. By this, I mean spend time with Him and review the past years of your life. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Are you hurt by anyone and haven’t spent the time to get healed from the pain?
Second, release the circumstances, disappointments and expectations which went unmet to your heavenly Father.
Third, ask the Lord for new strategy just like David did after his family was taken at Ziklag. Your nation may be suffering from corporate sin. Pray that the Lord will speak to the leaders of the nation to gather together for a solemn assembly; ask the Lord where your nation needs restoration and what the Valleys of Achor are that need to be dealt with. Repent and confess the sin, so God will heal your land.
Do you relate to Hosea and David? Satan is busy right now trying to destroy families, marriages, relationships and finances. The Lord wants to open a door of hope before you. Psalm 42:11 is one of my favorite passages:
Why are you cast down, O my inner self [some translations say ‘soul’]? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him; for I shall yet praise Him who is the help of my countenance and my God. (Psalm 42:11 AMP)
Trials, tests and challenges come into the lives of all God’s people. Yes, the enemy is at work to steal, kill and destroy. You’ll be defeated if you give in to the circumstances instead of looking for the door of hope. Remember, He is the door and the way. With God, no situation is hopeless. It’s only an opportunity to experience a great triumph. Let today’s tests become tomorrow’s triumphs.
When God opens a door of hope for you, no man will be able to shut it, and you will experience the restoration of those things which seemed lost and beyond repair both for you and your nation.
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