For the Lord would say that Satan is trying to bring chaos into your life, and when chaos comes, it destroys. It destroys relationships, it destroys feelings, it destroys your body, and the Lord would say, “You need to understand and go back to those first things about understanding, that you don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, that you wrestle against the evil one, for I do not put sickness on you. I do not put poverty on you. These things are not my will, and I never bring chaos into your life, for I am not the god of confusion, I am a God of order. I am a God of blessing.”
So the Lord says, “Stand up,” and even as the Lord gave me that word and the last word of encouragement, “Basta,” which, that’s a Spanish word that means “I’m fed up, enough, no more.” Say “basta,” say “no more” to the enemy. Say “no more” to the god of chaos, for these spirits are coalescing and they are working together to rob you of your destiny.
How do you know when this thing is manifesting? Well, you feel so confused. It’ll start even with you’re not able to find things, and then you feel a little frustrated, but from there you can’t figure out where to go in your life, and from there it causes problems in your home relations, and then it escalates from there.
So the Lord would say, “I want you to understand the wiles, the methodology, that Satan is trying to use against you.” For Satan right now, the demon of chaos is trying to bring this into the congress, he’s trying to polarize the people of nations where they fight against each other. This chaos spirit is very akin to a spirit that brings war. The demonic power, Wotan, is the demon that tried to rise up and even destroy Germany and destroy many other nations.
“Understand this. I’m calling you to go up higher. I’m calling you to learn to take your authority for I have given you more authority. You do not even begin to understand the authority I’ve given you. But it grieves me that many days will go by and my children will not take authority against the works of darkness, for I have given you the keys to death, Hell, and the grave. I have given you the keys to fight against what the enemy would do. Stand up. Pick up your shield of faith. Pick up the sword of the Spirit that I’ve given you, and do battle. Do not let these things come that come from invisible forces that are arrayed against you, for I have given you that spirit to fight. I have told you to stand and fight and to wrestle.”
The Lord would say, “I’m calling you to be who you are. You are my sons and daughters. You are those that I’ve given great authority in the Spirit.” I’m gonna stand with you right now and I just want us to say “basta” in the name of Jesus. “No more” in the name of Jesus. Satan, we bind this god of chaos. We say you’re not gonna be in our homes. You’re not gonna be in our ministries. You’re not gonna be in our lives. You’re not gonna create disorder. We say that even that chaos that would try to work even in the Middle East right now and even against our Congress in the US, we say “no.” We say “no more.” We say we speak peace. We speak peace. We speak peace over Iran. We speak peace over North Korea. We speak peace over these troubled areas, over Qatar, or Qatar, however people say it.
We say in the name of Jesus, peace, peace, peace will come to the Saudi Peninsula. Peace will come to these areas that are trying to flare up. But peace will come to your homes. Peace will come to your mind. Now, just receive the peace of the Lord right now. Just receive it in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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