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The Third Pentecost: Jordan and Israel Trip Report


Our most recent journey took us to Jordan and Israel to minister and take part in the Empowered21 Global Congress. Before making this trip, we really prayed about whether or not we should go. Jordan is a modern enclave in the midst of a sea of regional unrest and there has been a lot of tension in the area. The venue for the meetings even had to be moved at the last minute from a hotel to a local church. In the end though, we were so glad we went. The fellowship with Arab believers was so sweet and powerful. You can watch one of the services on the video at the bottom of this page.

The meetings were held at New Life Church in Amman with Pastor Dikran Salibashian and his wife, Ani. Several Empowered21 leaders shared, and other pastors participated in the meetings. I preached about the promise that we shall prophesy after the Holy Spirit comes upon us—and demonstrated it! Then, I used the gift in the healing service, and many wonderful miracles took place.

The last time Mike and I were in Jordan was during an eight-hour layover on our way to Iraq in 2007. To my joy, we got to hear wonderful testimonies of lives being transformed from that short time throughout this trip.

One testimony was from a couple who pastor a Nazarene church. I had previously met the wife back in 2007 during our brief visit. She was pregnant at the time and the Lord gave me a word that her child was a girl and that her name would be Joy. When we went to speak for their church this time, a little girl ran up and said, “Is this the lady who gave me my name?” (Well, it was the Lord, not me, but it was sweet to hear—and see—the testimony.)

The next day, we did a bit of touring at an ancient church before departing for Israel.

We flew into Tel Aviv around 10:00 on Monday night, and from there, drove up to Jerusalem. Each time we go to the Holy Land, we experience a few surreal moments, looking at the beauty of the city and letting it sink in that we are really there! Our hotel room at The David’s Citadel had a balcony that looked out on the Old City walls.

We did not actually have any time for touring on this trip; however, the fellowship with the other 150 speakers—many of them our old, dear friends—was so special.

Jerusalem 2015 was a World Congress in every way. The sessions were multinational and intergenerational in representation from the worship to the speakers. The classical Pentecostal denominational leaders were there along with students from both Oral Roberts University and Christ for the Nations. Major leaders from ministries and organizations from all over the world were in attendance. Dr. William Wilson, the President of Oral Roberts University, co-chaired the meetings, along with Dr. George Wood, the head of the International Assemblies of God.

Besides the power of God manifesting in each main session, the workshops were also powerful! Tom Hess and I co-chaired the “Prophecy and the End-Times” track; presentations were made by speakers such as Wendy Alec of God TV and Rick Ridings, who has a 24/7 house of prayer overlooking Jerusalem. Tom Hess has had a house of prayer on Mount Zion since the late 80s, and we have had many wonderful times of prayer together. I also spoke in the prayer track on prophetic intercession and the healing of nations. Another joy was being interviewed by TBN, God TV, and TBN Russia.

People often stopped us to give testimonies about past prophecies of women being healed from barrenness, miracles, ministries started, and other great reports. It was so deeply satisfying. Some leaders told us how the prophecies I had given were written on the walls of their buildings for their nations.  

One special testimony was from Igor Nikitan. I had been in St. Petersburg around 2002 and preached in his church, where I prophesied that he would start a television channel. He is now the head of TBN Russia!

On Saturday, we went to Tel Aviv to be at the congregation of Avi Mizrachi. I prayed for a lady who was deaf in one ear as we were leaving, and the Lord completely healed her!

Pastor Niko Njotorahardjo gave the message that I chose to use as the name of this article—The Third Pentecost. He described the first from the book of Acts, and the second as being Azusa Street in 1906. He believes we are just coming into the third Pentecost with a great move of the Holy Spirit being poured out once again.

On Pentecost Sunday, there was a gathering at King of Kings Congregation in Jerusalem that lasted six hours, even though many speakers only shared 15 minutes. I preached from Acts 1 and 2, and then I loosed the anointing; many were visibly touched and shaken by the power of God.

For the last session, our Global Council of around 30 members laid hands on all 4,500 participants of Jerusalem 2015. The impartation was strong, and we will probably not know the lasting impact of this new move of the Holy Spirit until we reach heaven.

Mike and I finally laid our heads down for four hours, and then left for the airport to fly back through London to Dallas. We were very tired, but came home rejoicing at the goodness of God. And I am left pondering—what happens when leaders from across the face of the earth gather together to believe God’s promise to pour out His Spirit upon His sons and daughters? Is it possible to “tarry in Jerusalem” as one, in order to see God’s promises for the Holy Spirit’s power to manifest in a great harvest of souls and untold miracles? This is what we live for, and I am eager to hear the stories that unfold from this time, both in this life and in eternity.