Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!

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Recently, Mike and I traveled to Nairobi, Kenya to minister with Apostle Julius Suva at Heaven’s Fire conference on the topic of discipling nations. As usual, God had assignments up His big sleeves for us.

This was our first time to Kenya and I have to admit that I have fallen in love with this nation and her people. It is hard for me to adequately describe Kenya or the people who live there—they are such kind, generous, and joyful treasures.

Apostle Suva and his wife, Pastor Martha, had prepared the way with a royal welcome from the moment we stepped onto Kenyan soil. They had fasted and prayed. Both their hunger, and that of many other pastors and leaders, paved the way for God to move.

The meetings were held at All Saints Cathedral, which seats over 2,000. All Saints is an iconic church that is well known in the city. Pastors and governmental leaders came from across the city and region. We had delegates in attendance from 18 nations.

The conference was powerful. The power of God fell in the first service, so much so that I was only able to actually teach in a morning pastor’s meeting. The Holy Spirit wanted complete control. The tangible presence of God swept the services, and the crowds grew every day.

As I ministered I thought, “Oh! I know this anointing! This is like Argentina.”

Mike and I started going live on the radio, and then we broadcasted on Kenya Television Network. I felt the love of God as I ministered to the nation. During that time, I remembered the word for Kenya that God had given me in 2012.  A great revival is coming, like the East Africa revival in the late 1920’s and 30’s. The winds of revival were blowing once again.

During the week, I prophesied that the Kenyan Shilling would one day be the strongest on the African continent— a word that even shocked me!

Many years ago, I had prophesied that the Canadian dollar would come up to par with the US dollar—a prophesy that even some of my dearest friends up north thought would never happen. But it did!

As we met with elected officials, it was as if God was giving me X-ray vision for both what was currently happening in the land, and what would happen in the future. The words were confirmed over and over while we were there.

When Mike and I arrived at Exploits, there was an African welcome for us with dancing and singing. I interned with the Apostle with a popular live Christian television show, and then we went into the new tent that had been recently set up for the church.

As we entered the tent we noticed that the electricity had gone off! Not good! Worship pierced the darkness, and it came back on just in time for the live broadcast.  

As I stood up to preach, I inwardly prayed and asked God to help me say everything right. I felt the anointing flow to prepare the hearts and minds of the people and then it was time. After a short explanation of what I was going to do and why, I knelt down to repent.

I cried as I repented for the racism and atrocities of people who looked like me. I shared that this root of racism had fallen on the tribes because of the sins of the people of my skin color. (Note: I am not so naive to think the tribal animosity was not ancient, but the white colonial sins had fueled the fire of racial hatred significantly.)

I asked Apostle Suva to invite representatives of the various tribes to come to the platform, and they began to forgive in their tribal languages. Tears flowed, both on the platform and off. One elderly man hugged me and wept.

We learned later that tears flowed across the whole nation that day. God’s Spirit hovered across the land as a healing began. While I am sure it most likely had taken place on various levels, that morning it was as if I could hear the sound of something cracking open in the heavens.

After the time of forgiveness, the rejoicing started in true African custom with dancing and shouting!  Mike was up front dancing with the worship leader. The Maasai were jumping and the different tribes exhibited their redemptive joy as others joined in with their jubilation. It gave a fresh meaning to dancing upon injustice.

This was truly a trip that we will never forget. I know that the prayers and seed that you all planted are going to reap a harvest in Kenya.