The Reformation Prayer Network has a focus each year based on what we are prophetically hearing from the Lord to be a major emphasis for our year. As I prayed about this next year’s prayer initiatives, I felt that Lord challenge me with this question, “Why are people praying about the strongman over every mountain (or sphere of society), such as government and media, and yet have never prayed about the strongholds of the issues pertaining to the family?”
After thinking about this, I realized that we, as a prayer movement, needed to address the corporate issues that affect the first institution the Lord created—the family.
What are these issues? Things such as divorce, pornography, prodigal children, jealousy, and strife, just to mention a few.
Then I thought, “What if we took a whole year and focused on the family mountain in prayer?” After taking this matter up with our whole apostolic council for the Reformation Prayer Network, each of them came back with a resounding, “Yes! Let’s do it!”
We are excited to begin this year in partnership with Hal and Cheryl Sacks’ ministry, BridgeBuilders International, and the vision God gave them of the “National Family Prayer Month”. (Hal and Cheryl also work with us as the Arizona Generals for the RPN.)
The following is the exciting press release for this new, month-long initiative to not only pray for families, but to get them to pray together:
God is About to Visit the Families of America!
Generals International is partnering with Hal and Cheryl Sacks at BridgeBuilders International to spearhead the National Family Prayer Month, a nationwide, grassroots campaign to encourage families to pray together every day during the month of January.
In a powerful prophetic experience, Cheryl saw Awakening and Reformation explode across our nation as America’s families prayed together – and National Family Prayer Month will be birthed out of this vision in January 2017!
A Vision for America
Cheryl shares about the vision God gave her some 23 years ago.
As I was speaking in a conference, I saw a vision of our nation shrouded in darkness. Suddenly, a single home started to glow with living light, which then spread to others, rapidly transforming the entire country.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Revival will come to America when the family altar is restored.”
In that moment, I felt like I received from God the key to revival for our nation!
I believe with all my heart that we are in the prophetic moment I saw in my vision. God is about to visit the families of America and light the family prayer altar once more!
If we can truly start a grassroots movement of families praying together for the destiny of their children, for schools and communities, we believe we’ll see the nation light up in awakening!
The Power of Family Prayer
Studies show that praying together deepens relationships, alleviates fighting, and strengthens family ties more than any single thing you can do. We’ve seen that as families pray together and welcome the presence of God into their homes, they experience healing and transformation.
One study conducted by the University of Virginia found that prayer leads to intimacy, helps couples get closer, and can help end disagreements.
A second study was conducted by the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. This group found that couples that read the Bible and pray together enjoy stronger “marital bonds” and consider prayer to be “the great reconciler”.
In their book. “A Parent Privilege”, the research of authors Steve Wright and Chris Graves found that 98 percent of Christian students surveyed wanted to pray with their parents as often as, or more often, than they currently did.
Take the 31-Day Family Prayer Challenge
Cheryl Sacks is the author of a new book, The Prayer Saturated Family, How to Change the Atmosphere in Your Home Through Prayer. It is National Family Prayer Month’s official resource and includes a 31-Day Prayer Guide full of creative ideas, prompts and Scripture-based prayers to help jumpstart and develop the prayer life of families across the nation.
Many believe that to create a new and lasting habit takes at least a month. That’s why we’re encouraging families and churches to take a 31-Day Family Prayer Challenge that we believe will lead to praying together as a lifestyle.
Will You Help Us Ignite Family Prayer in America?
We’re going to need our friends standing with us for this prayer initiative to truly to be transformative for families. Here are 3 easy ways you can be involved:
Sign-up to take the 31-day Family Prayer Challenge and encourage your small groups and church family to get involved with you.
Let your friends know about National Family Prayer Month and its resource The Prayer Saturated Family. Post on FB and social media.
Please keep us in prayer as we work to see family prayer revived across America.
Thank you for your help and your intercession, as we work to see family prayer revived across America.
Find out more, order resources, and download your media kit at
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