Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!


For the Lord says you’re moving into a season of faith. The Lord would say, “Don’t think that it is faith that you have to generate because I have given you a measure of faith. It is inside you already for whatever you need, for whatever challenges that you have in front of you.” God says, “I am going to cause you in the coming year to come into a place where you know how to exercise your faith for the abundance that you need. Faith to get out of debt, faith to see your children come into a place of righteousness in kingdom, faith to see your community saved.”

The Lord says, “Live beyond yourself for I have given you a level of faith not only for yourself, but for many other people. For I came into the world to be a blessing to many, not a blessing to one.” “Even as I am in you and through the Holy Spirit, I want to increase through you,” says the Lord. The Lord says, “I’m going to begin to stretch you to be able to be debt-free, but also have abundance so you can start funding other people so they can be debt-free.”

The Lord says, “If my body will do this, there will not be a problem with poverty in my body. There will not be a problem with living in debt and the bondage of fear of how are you going to pay your bills.” I have a word especially to single mothers and to widows. The Lord says, “I love the widows and the single mothers and fathers.” The Lord says, “I know the needs of your children and I know how you struggle to meet their needs, but I am standing right alongside you,” says the Lord. “I will be there for you.”

The Lord says, “Do not fear for your children because I can stand in the gap for them and be that which they need. If you will trust in me, I will see your children grow up whole. I will see your children grow up blessed. I will see your children grow up fruitful.” I will say that even those who maybe you’re not single or widowed, but you’re married and you are so worried about your children, the Lord says, “Don’t fret because I am listening to your prayers. I am able to go and restore their lives, even big mistakes, things that have happened.”

The Lord shows me in this coming year there are people who have had breaches with their families. “I’m going to begin to mend the breaches for this will be a year of restoration. This will be a year of breakthrough. It’s going to be a year that I’m going to do some things that you have dreamed about for a long time. Know the enemy is warring against your soul, but I”, the Lord says, “I am the breaker and I am going before you.”
