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Pray 100 – Prayer For President Trump’s First 100 Days in Office


Beginning Tuesday, January 17th, Generals International and the Reformation Prayer Network will be joining together with many other ministries across the nation to cover President Trump’s first 100 days in office. Some of those other organizations are the National Day of Prayer, Intercessors for America, Family Research Council, the International Prayer Connect, Harvest Evangelism. and America’s National Prayer Committee. There are many more.

We will begin three days prior to the Inauguration, focusing on God’s loving hand of protection over Washington, DC, and the festivities taking place on January 20th. We will pray for the Inauguration and then cover the nation’s transition through April 29th. 

I will be praying live daily for the first 11 days on FaceBook. “Like” my page here and make sure you are following me, so you can pray right along with me and the rest of the nation on those days!
Please go to to read daily prayer articles and to sign up to receive regular emails (usually weekly) covering many topics, such as the economy, immigration reform, national security, as well as the spiritual and moral revival this nation so desperately needs.

Many writers across many streams, including Dutch Sheets, John Robb, Lisa Crump, Dave Kubal, Pierre Bynum, and I will be contributing. We also have some writers that are not as well-known, but are experts in their fields. Also, a childcare expert from “The Daniel Academy” in Kansas City has written a Children’s Version that will perfectly follow the adult version each day! Tell your Children’s Pastors and make other parents aware of this incredible tool to get families praying for the government.