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Prayer to Overcome Abortion in America


Since abortion was legalized in 1973 through the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, our nation has been in constant conflict over the issue. One thing cannot be ignored, and that is the fact that more than 57 million babies have been aborted since then.1 Pro-life Senators and Congressmen continue to introduce legislation hoping to whittle away at various aspects of the law, hoping to save more babies’ lives. Politically, however, it has been a see-saw of legislation and court decisions depending on which party is primarily in power.

We need a move of God—an answer to many years of prayer! We may have a turning point in the six videos exposing some of the inner-workings of Planned Parenthood, recently released by The Center for Medical Progress.2 The public, the media, and politicians on both sides of the fence are disturbed by the content. Corporations have felt compelled to make public statements as to whether they support or have supported Planned Parenthood. Politicians feel pressured to address the issue.

When babies are aborted, God’s dreams for that child’s life are aborted; destiny is unrealized. God has a dream for each life He creates. Man may have given a legal right to end a life in abortion, but we do not have that right in God’s eyes. As David’s words remind us, “You saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old. God, your thoughts are precious to me. There are so many!” (Psalms 139:16-17; New Century Version)

Please join Mike and me and:

  • Proclaim that this would be the season to take significant ground toward the ending of abortion in America!

  • Decree that the momentum that has begun will not fade away.

  • Repent. Chuck Pierce recently prophesied that we must repent of any place we have come into agreement, even fleeting thoughts, with covenant breaking or death in our own lives or family lineages. Then, repent for the sin of abortion in our states and in our nation.

  • Intercede for the women who have suffered from abortion, that they would know and trust Jesus, if they have not already come to know Him. Pray that they would be healed in body, soul and spirit. “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses” (Psalm 107:19; New American Standard Bible).

  • Ask the Lord to reset time to the season where He previously moved. In the past, the church dropped the ball and allowed the enemy to gain ground. I heard the Lord say that it is reset time!

  • Pray that the body of Christ would open its arms, hearts, and resources to coming alongside women in crisis pregnancies, whether it means being a safety net for them as they try to support their children or adopting their babies. Pray for the value of community to be restored in our culture.

  • Contact our Senators and Representatives before they return from their August recess and let them know how you feel about ending abortion in our nation! “Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die” (Prov. 31:8; New King James Version).

  1. Erlelt, Steven. “57,762,169 Abortions in American Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973.” 21 January 2015.

  2. “Investigative Footage”.