“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1; NIV)
The heartbeat of our nation is on the brink of failure. The United States Constitution attempted to provide every U.S. citizen with Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That structure was meant to unite us. Recent national political decisions in the midst of so much societal sin have divided us. There are those who follow the precepts, laws, and commandments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and those who do not. However, the Word of God tells us in 1 Kings 19:18, (KJV) “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.” Our Lord always has a remnant—those who will stand for righteousness no matter what may come.
The federal government is overturning the pro-life and pro-family policies put in during the previous four years. A number of states are instituting legislation to protect God-given gender identity and the unborn. These states are preserving their rights to live by and follow the word of God.
“He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them ‘Mankind’ when they were created.”
(Genesis 5:2; NIV)
“From birth I have relied on you; You brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” (Psalm 71:6; NIV)
Protecting Children from Transgender Rights:
“On February 25th, the House passed the Equality Act which, if passed in the Senate, would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Its stated intent is to prevent “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.”
Some states are fighting back! ” The Arkansas General Assembly passed the HB1570 Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act.”1
In Texas and Michigan, SAFE Act bills or gender reassignment prevention have been introduced to address concerns such as: “Gender transition” which is experimental; “no ‘treatment’ can change a person’s genetic composition, and no studies have demonstrated long-term benefits.”2
“South Carolina has introduced the ‘South Carolina Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act’ which would ban minors from being able to receive transgender surgeries or medical treatments.”3
Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious].” (Ephesians 6:13; AMP)
Protecting the Unborn:
Many states are also fighting back for the protection of the unborn. There has been a “‘Pro-life Surge in the States: 530+ Pro-life Bills introduced in 2021, 61 new laws enacted.’ ‘The unprecedented surge of pro-life activity in state legislatures this year proves life is winning in America.’ Across the nation, state lawmakers acting on the will of the people are taking bold steps to humanize our laws and challenge the radical status quo imposed by Roe V. Wade.”4
“Legislators in Texas just voted out of committee the Respecting Texas Patients’ Right to Life Act (HB 2609), which will end the 10-Day Rule (a sort of euthanasia waiting period) and will protect pro-life doctors from being forced to violate their conscience and participate in life-ending procedures.”5
Intercessors for America reported on a number of state pushback laws:
“Arizona State House just proposed the Equal Opportunity of Life Act. The bill would define an ‘unborn child in the womb at any state of development’ as a ‘person’ under state law. This measure would also ban the use of tax dollars to fund abortions.”6
“Utah passed a law that would require the biological father to pay up to 50% of a pregnant woman’s out-of-pocket medical costs, including health insurance premiums and hospital birth costs (HB113).”7
“Tennessee bills SB 0494 and HB1079 ‘permits a person to petition a court for an injunction to prohibit a woman who is pregnant with the person’s unborn child from obtaining an abortion.'”8
Pray with us:
Ask the Lord to open the eyes of those who have been blinded by the enemy to truth and holiness regarding gender and the unborn. This includes those who do not yet know Christ, and those who are His but have come under the influence of the world around them. “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand the message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.” (2nd Corinthians 3:4; NLT)
Ask the Lord to give our Senators wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of Him. Without him, they are not able to operate in the truth. “I always pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation that gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight into the true knowledge of Him, for we know the Father through the Son.” (Ephesians 1:17; AMP)
Pray for the salvation of many. Hearts that know the Lord can be healed, delivered, and set free to be able to see: “To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:18; NIV)
1. Pro-Family, Pro-Life Bills: https://ifapray.org/blog/pro-family-pro-life-bills-surge-in-the-states/
2. Ibid
3. Ibid
4. Pro-life Surge in the States: https://www.sba-list.org/newsroom/press-releases/pro-life-surge-in-the-states-530-pro-life-bills-introduced-2021-61-new-laws-enacted
5. Ibid
6. Ibid
7. Ibid
8. Ibid
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