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As I’ve been talking to you from leaders, and many leaders I might add, around the Body of Christ, there’s this thread that’s going on right now that people are dying early or there’s accidents. Terrible things that are happening. I just feel that I want to issue a word about people praying Psalm 91 over their families. Psalm 91 is an incredible message. I’ve preached on it many times in my life, but the Jewish Rabbis believe that Psalm 91 was to be read in case of demonic attack.

It’s very, very critical that we do that and the Lord would say, “The enemy is running around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, but know this, I have given you the power and authority to resist him and he will flee, he must flee.” And the Lord would say, “In the onslaught of the enemy, the enemy is trying to wear out the saints, the enemy is trying to cause depression, feelings of oppression”.

“I would say to you rise up, rise up, know that as you rise to that place of praise, as you make yourself get into a place of worship and thankfulness and gratefulness, and as you are grateful to me”, says the Lord. “You will see that these oppressions that are a salt in your mind, a salt in your body, they are going to flee away.” So, I would say to you fear not, but rise up, begin to decree life and health over yourself, begin to decree that no weapon will prosper and every time it rises up against you will be cast down and I decree that in the name of Jesus. I would say this is the season to be joyful. This is a season to rejoice. This is a season to celebrate. The enemy is trying to rob you in this season and cause you to feel alone, lonely, oppressed, but the Lord would say, “This is not my will for your life, but it is a time to rise up and come away with me beloved, come away with me beloved” and as you do this you will see that these things that around you are almost like shadows, they will just dispel, they will be gone and you will become victorious.