The Reformation Prayer Network (RPN) is a significant aspect of our vision at Generals International. Committed to igniting a holy reformation in every sphere of society, the network spans all 50 states of the United States and connects believers from local churches and ministries in prayer for the issues facing our nation.
We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe we must be unified if we are to truly carry out the Great Commission’s mandate to disciple nations. As a network, we are committed to prayer and action in order to see every area of society reformed to God’s standards and designs.
Our network generals come together annually to pray, strategize, and encourage each other. We met this September at Prayer Mountain in Dallas, TX. As always, it was such a powerful and refreshing time together.
Many of our leaders gave remarkable reports about what God is doing in their states and how this impacts the nation as a whole. While there were so many great stories, I wanted to highlight a few for you.
Education in Arizona
Cheryl Sacks, our Arizona General, shared about the transformation that is happening in public schools. Through their organization, BridgeBuilders International, Cheryl and her husband, Hal, have networked believers to come together for 24 hours of prayer in individual schools. The Lord has also moved the intercessors’ hearts to find practical solutions for the needs facing students and their schools. Through the combined forces of prayer and action, they’ve seen results like student test scores drastically improving, miraculous provision of funds and athletic equipment, and programs to help feed students and their families.
If you’d like to hear more about Cheryl’s ministry you can watch the video below.
Washington D.C.
Jon and Jolene Hamill have been strategically located in Washington D.C. for several years now. They are on the frontlines of the spiritual warfare taking place in our nation’s capitol, but they are tireless in their efforts to bring prophetic insight and direction to the body of Christ.
The Lord has put it in their hearts to carry out a “glory train” prayer journey next year, believing for a spiritual turnaround in the nation. They are literally going to travel from coast to coast by railroad and intercede for the United States!
In the Heart of Hollywood
Jonathan and Sharon Ngai shared such a powerful report about the fruit of so many prayers for Hollywood. They have a house of prayer and now a new, state-of-the-art recording studio right on the Sunset Strip. They will soon be releasing an album that will carry hope and life into the hearts of countless people. God has given them a heart for a new sound to be released that will counter so many of the negative messages of the music industry in a way that will be accessible to those who might be unfamiliar with spiritual things.
A generation of young artists, musicians, actors, entertainers, producers, and so on is being raised up who will have the influence and character needed to make a kingdom impact on an industry that reaches the entire world.
If you’d like to hear more about Jonathan and Sharon Ngai’s ministry you can watch the videos below.
Looking Ahead
2016 will be a critical year for our nation, especially with a presidential election on the horizon. People are hungry for change, and while the enemy might want to use that hunger for his own schemes, we believe that God can and will satisfy that hunger through the power of His Spirit as a praying church awakens and takes action.
Be on the lookout for prayer initiatives that you can participate in next year. And if you are interested in being more informed and connected to prayer efforts in your state, be sure to contact your general here.
Join us in interceding for reformation!
Hear from more of the RPN leaders by watching the videos below:
Jody Wood – Director of New York City Intercessors
Tom Schlueter – Texas Apostolic Prayer Network
Mark Gonzales – Hispanic Prayer Network
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