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Shields Up for DC: Prophetic Warnings & Prayer


Editor’s Note: The following are some excerpts from a prophetic alert sent out by our friends and fellow Generals, Jon & Jolene Hamill with Lamplighter Ministries.


More Warnings to Pray

I just received a call from Anne Tate, prayer leader for Chuck Pierce, who relayed to me a disconcerting warning. A prophetic intercessor was warned in a dream of a severe attack from ISIS, possibly targeting the Memorial Day Parade in Washington DC.

Last week, another prophetic intercessor contacted me directly with a warning to pray against potential ISIS attacks against the Pentagon. Is an attack imminent?

All this said, shields up! Please pray for our intelligence community and law enforcement folks as they work to secure Washington DC from any attack. Let’s continue to pray for hidden plots to be exposed before they can be hatched!


Turnaround Prayer—Crack the Whip from Texas!

As we’re praying for protection against ISIS attacks, let’s also continue to pray for God to redirect the Iranian nuclear deal from wrong to right. Just today, news reported that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameni has now ruled out giving nuclear inspectors access to any nuclear scientists or military sites.

Last week, I shared a prophetic perception of how the Lord wanted to redirect the Iranian nuclear deal. I saw a vision of horses, mostly white, pulling some kind of carriage. The horses were running very fast under duress. I felt immediately that the horses represented delegates who were driving the nuclear deal with Iran.

As the vision continued, I saw and heard the Lord “crack the whip.” This whip didn’t come from any driver, but from the Lord Himself! The horses immediately and intuitively galloped to the right. In other words, redirecting the course of the negotiations into a right direction from Heaven’s perspective.

A turnaround.

I then heard the Lord say, “I am releasing My whip from Texas!” I knew we had to pray especially for Texas leaders and intercessors to rise up and “crack the whip” by praying and taking a righteous stand. Though there was a specific mandate for Texas, this is something we all need to continue to engage with the Lord in.


Praying for Washington DC this Week

Anne Tate reminded me that Chuck Pierce and Glory of Zion will be praying specifically for Washington DC tomorrow as part of a project leading to Pentecost. You can watch and pray through the webcast tomorrow evening, 10 pm EST.

Here are a few key points I suggested to Anne for prayer, in addition to what we’ve just shared.

– Breaking News—Dick Eastman has secured a House of Prayer near the US Supreme Court! The renown director of Every Home for Christ is working with veteran DC intercessor Dick Simmons to ramp up a 24-7 prayer house that contends for DC and the nation. Pray that the Lord establish many houses of presence, prayer and apostolic authority to turn the battle at the gate!

– Supreme Court now writing gay marriage verdict. The majority and minority decisions regarding gay marriage are being drafted at this time. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg roused speculation about the Court’s decision Sunday, when she emphasized her “constitutional right” to perform a gay marriage.

Legally redefining marriage apart from the plumbline of biblical morality has the potential to radically challenge the boundaries of other sexual practices currently prohibited by law. Nothing is set in stone, though, until the verdict is publicly announced—as evidenced by Chief Justice Roberts’ last minute shift regarding Obamacare. Please pray!

– Redeem the State Department! With the unpopularity of Secretary John Kerry’s Iranian nuclear deal, and accusations of injustice involving former Secretary Hillary Clinton, the US Department of State is really taking a beating. Yet praying for this institution has never been more vital!

Some of the greatest work of the Department never makes the news—working to protect religious minorities, refugees, the vulnerable and disenfranchised; stemming the tide of human trafficking; promoting freedom and democracy globally, etc. Pray for the protection of ambassadors and staff, embassies and consulates globally. Pray for wisdom and direction for all employees, especially the “Daniels” in this sphere who are dedicated to discipling nations towards freedom.

Prayer for the Pentagon and Intelligence Communities. Accurate intelligence detached from pre-determined agendas is so needed as we confront current challenges, both within our nation and without. Pray for fresh vision and strength to the Joshuas and Calebs, to the watchmen in the natural who influence and direct our military policy from Washington DC.

The Rise of Prophetic Journalism. Pray for the media correspondents covering our government, etc. It’s time for prejudice and biases to turn. And just as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John covered the greatest breaking news in history, so God wants to grace journalists today with a prophetic mantle to cover the news from His vantage point, expose corruption, and help hold government accountable to “we the people.” Many news stories need to break, and they are literally waiting on “the Breaker.”

Continued Favor for Israel in DC. Throughout much of the previous decade, a sentiment has been promoted that denigrates Israel’s right to sovereign governance as a nation. Threats have even been articulated that the US may no longer stand in defense of Israel at the UN. Please pray for continued favor for Israel, and for the covenant alliance between the US and Israel to be fully preserved as a blessing to the nations.

Crown & Throne Movement. Pray for continued strength and maturity for the emerging apostolic, prophetic and prayer communities in DC. Pray for God’s “Crown & Throne movement” to continue advancing!

The prophetic promise articulated by Rick Ridings in 2012 remains at the forefront of our hearts and actions:

God is riding on a swift cloud, and the gods of Egypt and the thrones of Egypt are toppling… There shall be one throne after another that was set in the gates that shall crumble before My presence, says the Lord… And in these next ten years, as I have restored the harp and the bowl, I am going to further restore now the walking with the throne and the crown. I’m going to restore to My people walking in governmental intercessory, kingly authority. That what you proclaim on earth shall be that which you have already heard proclaimed in heaven!