We are encouraging the intercessors of the nation to pray to keep the nation stabilized through December 19th.
There are two issues that need our ongoing prayer:
A possible recount of the electoral college. You are probably aware that Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for president, is raising money for a recount in three states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Hilary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, is now joining in on the demand for a recall. Money is being raised to pay for these recalls and millions have been raised. Recounts have changed state election results, but never a federal one.
The Electoral Count proceedings. It is possible, but not likely, that a recount could affect the landscape of the Electoral College. However, this has been an usual election cycle. While we must pray for these two issues, it is critical that the eyes of the intercessors must focus, in a large way, on the following for the Electoral College.
God gave warnings, as early as 2008 by Chuck Pierce, concerning the need to watch this electoral college. He recently prophesied that we must watch for the next ten days. In fact, these are tumultuous times where we cannot relax in our fervent intercession for the nation.
Many are not aware of the mechanics of the way the electoral college functions. It is designed to give each state a voice in the election.
Here is a quick rundown:
December 13th
States must make final decisions known, over the appointment of their Electors, at least six days before the meeting of the Electors. This is so their electoral votes will be presumed valid when presented to Congress.
December 19th
The Electors meet in their states and vote for President and Vice President on separate ballots. The Electors record their votes in six “Certificates of Vote,” which are paired with the same Certificates of Ascertainment. The Electorals sign, seal, and certify six sets of electoral votes. These are sent to Congress.
December 28th
Electoral votes (the Certificate of Vote) must be received by the President of the Senate and the Archivist no later than nine days after the meeting of the Electorals.
January 6th
The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes.
If a state submits conflicting sets of votes, the two houses acting concurrently may accept or reject the votes. If they do not concur, the votes of the Electors as certified by the Governor of the State of the Certificate of Ascertainment would be counted in Congress.
If no Presidential candidate wins 270 or more electoral votes, a majority, the 12th Amendment of the Constitution provides for the House of Representatives to decide the Presidential election. If necessary, the House would elect the President by majority vote.
There have been what is called “Faithless Electors” in the history of the United States, such as in 1836 when 23 Virginian Electors acted as a bloc.
Although no such faithless Electors have changed the outcome of any election to date, the 12th Amendment was needed in the election of the Vice President under Martin Van Buren, as the result of “Faithless Electorals.”
Richard Johnson, Van Buren’s VP pick, lost by one as the result of them changing their votes. This caused the need for the 12th Amendment to be invoked and it went to the Senate where Johnson won by one vote. Although he was confirmed, this caused Johnson to be a political embarrassment to his party.
It is important to understand the workings of the governmental process and that we pray for order to keep the ship of state steady in these times.
We must pray for the Electoral College and Electors. We must cry out to God to unify our nation, as well.
The need to appeal to heaven has not diminished since the election. Let us raise our voices to the God of the nations to send mercy upon us now more than ever.
Standing in the gap with you!
Cindy Jacobs
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