Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!

This is a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs about a time of transition. You can watch the word through the video player above.

The word the Lord is giving me for you is bridges. That some of your at one place in your transition but you don’t know how to bridge to your new season. In fact, I see that as you are looking in the natural, there’s no way to bridge. You can’t get over. I see a chasm in front of you. There’s no way to go over that chasm but the Lord is showing me that if you will see with the eyes of your spirit, God is going to reveal to you actually how to cross over. He’s going to do it in a really supernatural way.

The Lord shows me that some of you are called to be bridge builders. You’re going to be reconcilers and the Lord just is saying to you that some of you have tried to be bridge builders and you have tried to go where God wanted you to go to reconcile, or even just to get to your future and you can’t seem to get there. But in this season, there’s a special anointing upon bridge builders. There’s a special anointing upon reconcilers. There’s a special anointing on those who bring unity to the body of Christ. Even in the past, if you tried to bring unity between peoples or groups or even friends or your family, the Lord says, “Now is the season.”

You cannot see the way to go, but the Lord is going to anoint you to be bridge builders, anoint you on how to build a bridge between one place to the other so you can get to the place that you’re supposed to be in your destiny and your calling. So don’t give up. Even though you can’t see and you don’t know how to get to the other side, the Lord says, “I am preparing a place for you. I am making a way where there’s no way,” Says the Lord. God bless you.