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The Lord is Fighting on Your Defense

As I was praying on what word to share with you, I had a vision and this was the vision. 

I saw someone taking and just like squeezing your head and squeezing your throat and just trying to shut you down. And it’s very interesting because I thought, “Oh my goodness what is it?”, and I realized that there are many that are under attacks with divination. Divination being sent against you and not only by witchcraft but word curses spoken against you. People that are saying things that are untrue, are trying to some way insinuate something that is not true about you, or to cast aspersions on your character. 

And I feel like the Lord is saying, “I am fighting on your defense,” says the Lord. “I am fighting for your reputation. I am fighting for your peace of mind.” And the enemy is, I see it like a python spirit. Just something that’s constricting and I bind that python spirit in the name of Jesus, that spirit that is just kind of squeezing you, causing depression, oppression, in fact I just felt something break off someone inside of me as I’m praying. This is a real thing. Sometimes we don’t think, well maybe we’re just having a down day but some days it is a demonic oppression sent against you and we don’t want to ever discount that. Because the Bible is very clear about, that there are angels and there are demons as well. 

And so Father in the name of Jesus, I break the word curses sent against you. I break those voices speaking against you, trying to hurt your reputation, trying to slander you, in the name of Jesus. And Father I thank you all constriction that is trying to stop you from speaking out what you need to speak, saying what you need to say is broken now. Now the Bible says the truth sets us free. 

And I want to encourage you to be bold for the Lord. I feel like the Lord has given you a boldness and some of you used to be even bolder, but you’ve kind of been holding back a little bit, maybe because fear of man, or you know you’re just concerned for what people will think of you. But the Lord hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind. So stand up, the Lord has given you his mind. Be a voice of the Lord. Speak for the things of God and don’t let the enemy oppress you, constrict you, and hold you back. 

Amen. God bless you.