Watch Cindy Jacobs New TV Show When Heaven Hears!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello, everyone and greetings from the Jacobs’ house. I just thought I would send a Word of encouragement, and also share a little bit about what the Lord is saying to me for the new year. With the circle of prophets we have, I’m sure there’ll be more to be released, but I just want to come on and encourage you now. And so, from the Jacobs’ house, Merry Christmas. If you’re listening to this after Christmas, Happy New Year. This (2021) is going to be a better year than what we have known in the past.

As I prayed for a Word, I felt like the Lord gave me the word “stand”. Stand. Ephesians 6:13, “Having done all, therefore stand.” And what the Lord said to me was, “There is a convergence of all the prophetic words given in the past.” I was thinking about the words. One year was the turnaround year— that things that looked impossible were going to change, that we were going to reset, come into a new era; the time of revival, time of awakening, time of glory. And I thought, “Well Lord, right now there’s so many things going on.” But the Lord says, “I want you to speak my purpose. I want you to speak my destiny.”

And the thing about standing, and standing on the promises, is that you have to do it. And, then comes the testimony. In the past few days, I have had such wonderful testimonies of people that stood for a house; for their debts to be paid off. A person whose husband was falsely arrested was exonerated. And on and on and on I could go with the great blessings and the great turnarounds that people have seen.

So, I want to say to you, stand on the promises. Be resolute. Don’t be moved. You make a choice. It’s hard to make a choice when you’re going through a valley, but you make a choice that you’re not going to live in that valley—in that Valley of the Shadow of Death or whatever it is that you’re coming through. You may feel like, “I’m never coming out of this sorrow. I’m never getting out of this dead structure, whatever it is.”

But the Lord says, “Your turnaround is on the way.” Believe. Believe that all things are possible. A young lady who stood on the Word I gave about houses just let me know someone’s buying her a very nice house here in Texas and putting money into a retirement fund for her. And her debt is paid off. All things are possible to those who believe.

And so, stand, therefore. Don’t back up. Don’t give the devil an inch. The Bible says, “Resist the devil, and He will flee from you.” And what could I say? He will run in terror, but you have to resist.

God bless you. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. The best is yet to come. God bless you.