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God loves to talk with us!

My husband, Mike, and I have two children. Perhaps some of you have children as well. Even though my children are grown, I love to talk with them. Throughout the day or between times when we can connect, I think about what I am going to say to them. I also love to talk with my four grandchildren. I rehearse over and over in my mind what I am going to share either in person or on the phone.

For instance, the other day, Zion, who is three, said to his mom, “Mom, when you said that, you made my feelers cry.” Oh my, I love that!

God enjoys the things we say to Him too! He loves us and gets tickled by the thing we talk about in prayer, the songs we sing; He receives joy from the sweet things we say each day. Prayer is talking with God. It is relationship; our talking to God makes Him happy.

I also talk with my grandchildren in order to instruct them. My three grandsons tell me about the children who are bullies or the girls who chase them to kiss them on the cheek. Of course, being a wise and loving grandma, I always say, “Someday, God is going to bring you someone who loves you, someone to give your kisses to.”

Each of my grandchildren is unique and special, as are both of my children. Zion is a little general like me and his mother. He said to her the other day, “Mommy, I am the boss.” She replied to him, “No, Zion, I am the boss.” After which he took both of her cheeks in his hands, gazed directly into her eyes, and compromised with, “Mommy, we’re the boss.” Oh, that sounds familiar! Zion has a gift of leadership and ruling, and one day God will use him in a special way to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Malachi loves to make money, and Caden is so loving and sensitive. I walk and talk with each of them differently on a regular basis. God’s relationship with us is the same: We are called to rule with Him in different areas and on different bases. The things one person will talk to God about may be slightly different than another, and there are times when all of us will pray for the needs of others together.

In addition to family, God has given me friends that I treasure and love. I am blessed with what I like to call my “heart friends.” I tell them the deepest things I am feeling, pondering, or dreaming. In addition to earthly friends, God is my best heart friend. I get very, very honest with Him in our conversations.

God created the earth with the necessity for prayer built into the equation. He already had all the angels and all of heaven, but He wanted fellowship with us.

Each day, God thinks about you and is excited when you wake up because He wants to see you grow, fulfill your gifts, and learn to be an intercessor who prays to change lives and situations around you. He is trusting us to pray the prayers needed to see His will accomplished on the earth: to bring hope to the hopeless, justice instead of injustice, and blessings instead of poverty. God wants us to take care of this earth. He is also looking at His bride-to-be with longing affection, as we learn to be a future mate worthy of Him.

As you wake up each day, open your eyes to your beloved Redeemer who wants to talk to you about your life and the day to come and to give you assignments concerning His will. He wants His will released into the earth through you. Your faithful, persistent, daily-bread prayers have the potential to change the face of the earth—believe it or not.


*This article is an excerpt from Cindy’s book, The Power of Persistent Prayer, which you can purchase here.