For the Lord says, I have heard the prayers of my people in France—both those from this generation and those of your forebears.
The enemy has come in like a flood, but I am raising up a standard, says the Lord, as it were, a “firewall” against the enemy’s plans.
While there are still shakings ahead, the enemy is on the run, and there is a wall of protection being built around your borders.
As the people of prayer cry out to me, the Angels are encircling this nation and fighting in the gaps.
While many would point a finger and criticize you, my people of France, I am a gracious and loving God full of mercy and kindness. Yes, I see the problems and where, in some cases, the nation has walked away from Me, but there is a holy remnant that love Me in this land.
But there is an awakening in the land! The soul of France will be healed, and the beauty of the nation revealed. The church is rising up, and these awakening fires will burn from the north to the south and the east to the west!
They will touch the children of France, and the schools of the nation will begin to see the power of God evidenced. There will be miracles in the schools through children, and I will give them a heart to pray. They will see visions and have dreams.
The awakening of France will impact Francophone Africa; churches will be planted, and training centers established. It is God’s time for the French-speaking world!
An anointing of creativity and the sound of worship are being released as well. France will be a “singing kingdom,” and many new sounds of worship will come forth.
Worship is the key for revival in the land!
24/7 Houses of Prayer will begin in many places, and churches will see the value of 24/7 prayer. This will release a move of missionaries from the nation.
There will be a move of unity among the churches of France, and many ancient walls of animosity and tradition will fall down.
In addition, the principality of corruption that has existed but been very covered up will be exposed. This will happen in both the political and financial sectors. There are some corrupt business leaders who have hidden their corruption quite well, says the Lord, but I see them, and they will be exposed!
Others in government will also be exposed. This will result in a reformation of systems within the government itself, and even there will be changes in the tax laws that will give relief to the people.
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