Pray 100 - Day 5


January 21 – Day of Rest and Day of Protest

“’Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” (Isaiah 24:10; NIV)

The Inauguration is over and now the bold new administration can begin. However, today there will be a day or two of rest for President Trump and Vice President Pence. Events are planned where conveners would love the new President to make an appearance, but there is no guarantee he will be out and about. Right up the street, near the U. S. Capital, the Women’s March on Washington will take place. This protest was planned to be the “Million Woman March”, however, a maximum of 200,000 women are now planned for. There may be additional small protests, as well. Another women’s event, a Women’s National Prayer Breakfast, will take place in another part of the city and David’s Tent will continue to lift up worship over the city near their site near the Washington Monument, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Points for Prayer:

Pray that this would, indeed, be a day of rest for President Trump, Vice President Pence and their families.

The enemy will be looking to cause chaos and upheaval, but command order and peace over protest events. Intercede that they will not become violent or express any anarchist actions in any way.

Use the Isaiah 22:22 keys and shut the door to anyone who should not be in the city!

Pray that nothing would hinder prayer and worship over the nation. Pray specifically for The National Women’s Prayer Breakfast and the worship at David’s Tent, as well as Inaugural prayer meetings happening in various cities across the nation today. Pray that God would richly bless those involved for keeping the fire on God’s altar burning bright in America!


Pray 100 - Day 6


Pray 100 - Day 4